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Eat Pray Love by Elizabeth Gilbert – Book Review

The author goes on a year-long journey, after discovering that she no longer loves the man she is married to, and an acrimonious divorce (she doesn’t go into detail) ensues, which would make most readers drool. myself included! This is a book for the person who travels and enjoys living in their current environment, whether it be an ashram in India or a small house in Bali. The author was looking for total immersion in a culture or perhaps escape from its afterlife and she throws herself into each new situation with abandon. Not all of us can escape our responsibilities with the same ease, but some may envy this disregard for the status quo.

In Italy, the first stop of the adventure, Elizabeth Gilbert is trying to influence his life. And as many do, food becomes a great substitute for living. The author even admits that she did not visit a single museum in Italy: she was too busy learning the language, for fun, I might add, and eating in the various cities. I think I gained 5 pounds just reading about food. It’s not your typical travel diary, but I liked it.

The author guides you on your own personal spiritual healing in India, but is lighthearted on this subject and does not preach. Through meditation, yoga, fasting, and a good friend of hers, Elizabeth Gilbert begins to heal and regain control of her life again. In a sense, she learns to live with herself again. However, even in her darkest moments, she can laugh at herself and take the reader with her.

Bali is your last stop and it fits the last word of the title. When you think of love and romance, a tropical island is really the place that comes to mind. She comes to love others as much as herself, amidst the beautiful scenery. I really enjoyed this book, and I really envy the ability to just get up and go somewhere. My only criticism is the lack of details on the surroundings of India and Bali. I would have liked to experience the people and countries a little more in depth. I realize that India was all about the ashram, but I personally wanted more from the villages. The same is true about Bali, less about the love interest and more about the island and its customs. With that said, Elizabeth Gilbert has caught my eye, and I would love to join her on her next outing!

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