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How to keep your sex life active with your partner

Wonderful as it is, you will not reach the blissful peak until you remove from your consciousness the ghosts of darkness that have destroyed your respect for sex.

be sporty

Without sacrificing proper reverence for your partner, be sporty and agile, of course, not like an athlete on the field. Sex is not a sport or a show, but you need your energy and sportsmanship in this ritual of non-compliance. Eating too much just before sex or drinking too much alcohol tends to numb the system and lose the spirit. You must be fully aware of the infinite joy of sexual periods. You must be able to enjoy every feeling you have in every inch of your body; you should be able to feel the warmth of the blood flowing under your skin. You cannot have this full experience with an overfed or drunk body. Some people drink to stimulate their enthusiasm, they will tell you that, for them, sex is a mere mechanical performance. What a waste of resources.

Be kids once again and have fun

Take off those ‘I’m Mr. So-and-So’ coats and be yourself. You are young and in every measure youthful. You are a child who longs to be nursed, he longs to be loved tremendously and longs to be caressed. Within you you are an ever-young spirit, a soul that never dies. Remember the games of your youth; Bring a few of these games into your hallowed bed just the two of you, then go ahead and have some fun. In sex, you die a little when you have an organism and you are reborn. This is the elixir of life and the secret of youth. Develop your game in a sacred romance. In one such game, the couple brought the game of ludo to their sacred bed.

Whoever won required their partner to remove a garment from their body. In this way, they won themselves over in a romance of perfect joy. Imitate children, talk and talk like children, play like children; Be the big kids that you are and give yourself a little pampering, all those pampering that you didn’t have. Be a little silly, with flashes of ‘it’s nice, isn’t it?’ rhetoric.

Relax and tell your body to do it

This is not a race and although it may seem like it, there is no end, so take your time to get off to a great start. You can start by doing some yoga exercises or massage yourself with a light and well-scented oil to stretch and re-stimulate your bodies. This done, sit quietly and watch your body relax. A helpful technique for relaxation is to do some breathing exercises where you exhale for a count of 4, hold for a count of 2, and then exhale for a count of 4. This is known as the 4-2-4. breathing. Relax between sessions; especially when it loses moisture or when the male organ gives up midway. Let go of the penetration or thrust in those moments and touch the deepest sacred places in you.

explore eternity together

This is a wonderful experience. You will surely enjoy it when you do. Let eternity wait while you enjoy infinite eternity. The technique is as follows. Sit in a chair, on the floor, or on the edge of your bed. Let your partner sit on you. Wrap your feet around each other if possible. Hold each other tightly and breathe in and out together for some time. Next, take the time to discover the fragrance of your breath and enjoy the breath of others. Then gently close your eyes and float, in the infinite fragrance of each breath, into eternity. Being in eternity and exploring the indefiniteness of eternity; the solemnity of your being,

Make it a wonderful trip

Another variation of the above guideline, but one that offers incredible results, is to assume a comfortable sitting or squatting position with your partner on top of you. Wrap your feet around each other as before, but this time let his erect penis inside you, that is, if there is an erection. Don’t let them push you around, just sit back and feel the gentle waves of energy running through your body. Listen to the subtle cries and longings of your body, mind and soul; direct all passions to the constant prayer of the heart and spirit. Don’t push, stay still but be constantly aware that your bodies and spirits merge into one whole. Thank God for her presence as love and then, if you can, rock gently, feeling the Mother God’s touch on her as she feels the Father’s.

God in you. Be still for a few moments and give thanks. Discover in this, your divinity and infinite capacities.

Leave behind the baggage of vampire passions

Now this is the only instruction, a specific rule that should not be taken lightly. Comply with it at all costs and help make our world a better one. Sex is a creative energy and anything you bring into its field is instantly backed by the power of creativity. It must be to make love so that our world is filled with love. Take your vampires of hatred, anger, jealousy, pain, memory of betrayals and bitterness of all kinds to the sacred bed and they will soon become substances of reality in your life.

Our world is in such a state of disrepair, it is due to a lack of awareness of this vital information. You generate an evil psyche in your home and affairs if these rules are not observed. In the spiritual world, tastes and likes and if the aura of sex (remember it is your creative energy) is bad, it will attract many of its likes to you. Never take vampire passion to the holy bed. Many men or women who have claimed that by having sex with a particular person their fortunes have been reversed are not wrong if the bed has been shared with these vampiric passions. The bad thought may have been in you before you went with your partner or it may have been in your partner at the time of intercourse. The creative energy of sex creates what you have in consciousness at the time of its celebration.

Carve out time each time for contemplative meditation or solemn prayer before you jump into this new world. It attends to the pressing tensions, worries, fears or anxieties that plague the mind.

when you get there

When you get to the sacred bed, take the time to do everything; take the time to touch and listen to the movement of your touch or your partner’s touch. Smell each other. Make eye contact that says to your partner, ‘you’re in heaven, I’d like to be your friend’, speaking to each other in tones that seem to say to your partner ‘transcend this body and win’. Don’t be ashamed of anything; sing or laugh if you like to. Listen to your senses, to the new music of pleasure that sings; feel and discover your meaning.

Direct your partner through eye contact, body movement, or soft sighs and words, where your body longs to touch those sports gently or in any way you like. Leave the past and the future and be present in your body. Let the world wait, the gods are in worship. do not be anxious about an erection or intercourse and have no expectations of orgasm.

Let things flow and feel the magic, the electricity running through you, bringing you together. There are infinitely new things to discover in your partner each time: find one each time. You are in a sacred moment, respect what you are doing and do not be an actor. There is no one to impress but yourself. Be present with your partner and not in your fantasies. Watch for the moment of your partner’s orgasm and enjoy it. After the orgasm, don’t let yourself while the spiritual electricity of creativity surrounds you; hug us in love Lie down in a comfortable position so you can cuddle longer, strengthening the bond of your union.

Make regular time for this wonder of the universe. All your efforts are to reach your being, and this is the moment of the deepest communion with your being. Feel the gratitude of your heart and spirit with each sexual act. Above all, know that you are creating whatever is on your consciousness in the hours of lovemaking.

Let sex be a blessing from God for you

When you recognize sex for what it is, a holy and divine creative power of God in you, it will instantly become a blessing in your life. Sex expresses love more than anything else you can imagine; it gives you the desire to continue in life much longer, even towards immortality. Sex, divinely employed, makes you better and better, nourishes and strengthens you. Sex is a journey to infinity. It gives you the release that comes only from mystical union with all life through union with your partner. Sex is the overwhelming celebration of your divinity. Respect him now and always and allow his energy to flow from you to heal the world and enrich it. What can break a marriage when your sex life is holy and perfect?

How often?

As advised, there should be no rules. The important thing is that you make time to enjoy the glory of God in your sexuality. At such times, make sure you are not disturbed and that you have complete privacy. If necessary, turn off the phone and settle the children. Generally, these available times are at night. If it must be at night, make sure you’re not too tired.

A gentle look at nature reveals that a female releases only one egg in a month. In one ejaculation, however, a man releases an average of fifty million sperm, enough to populate an entire nation. Nature does not create such waste; it releases so many sperm because the journey to the sacred ovum is an arduous task and many fail along the way. However, not all sexual acts are for the purpose of procreation. Sex is also for spiritual procreation. The achievement of the spirits of peace, love, health and sacred visions could also be the purpose of the sexual act.

A woman can freely reach orgasm as many times as possible, but it is wasteful for a man to ejaculate more than four times in a month. The ideal is to ejaculate once a month. Remember that each released sperm has the spiritual capacity to form a complete human being. These are inner disciples and you love them very much. Pray before each sexual act, and during ejaculation or orgasm, feed your disciples (the released sperm or orgasm energies) with purpose.

Never waste your sexual energy; convert them to other creative energies. A prayer such as ‘May my love flow to bless this planet with peace’, said with concentrated thought is very effective. Your target can be any person or condition other than planet Earth.

Keep the fire in the passion

Never quench the spirit; life is romance The ovum in a woman is sought after by millions of sperm. This is how women should always be. She must present herself in such a way that she is always sought after. She must be alluringly mysterious like the egg she carries; she varies in such a way that her man does not know very well what to expect in the next sexual relationship. She sometimes has to show up frequently and other times expensively.

Too much explicit exposition destroys the mystery. Even if your man has seen your nakedness several times, hide sometimes as if he has never seen it before. For the man, know that the love of his woman surprises; he finds where she can be caught off guard and woos her again and again. Find out from which sense your woman receives communication and court her often from that sense organ. For example, a woman receiving communication from the sense of hearing will love you and say ‘I love you’ instead of buying her flowers. If possible, travel away from home; the change of place can give life to passion.

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