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Pitbull Puppy Problems: Dog Training Tips

There are a few different problems that are commonly seen in puppies six months of age and younger. These problems include submissive urination, urination when overly excited, and biting and chewing problems. If your pit bull terrier puppy is having trouble in any of these areas, don’t worry. I’m about to reveal exactly how to fix it.

If your Pit Bull puppy tends to crouch down and urinate when you approach him, this is a problem with submissive urination. This behavior is not to be confused with a potty training problem, it is associated with insecurity if you punish your pup or use negative reinforcement you will most likely make the behavior worse. Submissive urination occurs when a dog is scared and intimidated when approached by an individual.

To fix the problem of submissive urination, approach your pup calmly. Try not to tower over him, crouch down so he’s not as intimidating. If your pup starts to urinate, try offering him a treat next time. The way to correct submissive urination is to divert his attention away from whatever is causing his reaction.

If your pup has difficulty controlling his bladder when excited, it’s known as arousal urination. Again, never punish your pup in this situation, as it will only make the problems worse.

The solution for this problem is easy. ignore it. Excited urination usually subsides as the puppy matures and his bladder control strengthens.

Puppy chewing can be extremely annoying, especially if your Pit Bull is destroying things of great value to you (for example, I’ve lost a fair amount of glasses). Puppies chew and bite as a way to relieve teething pain. To solve this problem, give your pup plenty of chew toys. Kong toys are popular, as are plush squeakers.

If you’re having trouble in these areas with your new Pit Bull puppy, be patient and take the time to work with your new friend. He will get through these difficult times with a little love and understanding.

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