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Sign up now is a call to action on life support: what to say instead

Some might even say that the ubiquitous “Sign Up Now” in proximity to the words Newsletter or Updates is not a call to action at all. Literally, yes, you’re telling someone to take an action, but it’s not engaging.

Wait, let me be honest, it’s worse than that.

It’s boring.

Bored does not move anyone.

Your boring companions are subscribe, join, download and enter your name and email. Folks, we must do better.

Every word you use forms the bigger picture of your brand voice and I bet you don’t have “boring” as one of your brand traits. You could argue that if I offer a subscription to a monthly food sampler, a button with the words subscribe or sign up works fine. You’d be right, but fun and branding are more appealing than good.

Your button could also say “I want the box” or “Feed me.”

Every order must be wrapped in value.

“Join my newsletter” alone doesn’t tell me anything about what your newsletter will provide me. There is no implied value.

Side note: People want to know what to expect, so you have to tell them.

“My weekly/monthly/daily newsletters will help you write better, convert more with your copy, and keep you up to date on marketing trends for your business.”

That brief description covers the frequency and what’s in it for them; how it will help them with one or more of the things they need to find out on your site.

Suggestions for more actions to encourage CTAs:

  • Reflect the offer, if you can, in the words of your button or link

  • Give a 20% discount with subscription? What if “save me money” Prayed “Yes to 20%”

  • Organize a contest? Use the obvious: “Come in now!”

  • Gift a download? Spent “Download my book for free” not “Download now” or “Download your free book” Why not “you?” The pronouns “I” or “my” are better converted

  • Do you offer a pdf on a new weight loss technique? “I finished the diet” it could be your CTA.

  • Sell ​​something: “Buy now” reinforce your desire

  • Offering a free trial: “Start” feels like what i’m about to do on click

You get the point, and I have one more to make about CTAs in general.

Putting aside the sale of products like watches and handbags and free trials, many of us give away content. Your CTA should be the logical step from where they are on your site or landing page to learn more about how you work, get to know you better, and generally move forward in the customer journey.

Draw a direct line from who you are, “I’m Lindsay, organic gardening expert,” to what they might need: “Take my 5 recipes for organic pest control you can make in your kitchen.”

But not “Take my year planner to grow and harvest 40 unique varieties of the mustard family.” The person interested in 40 unique members of the mustard family will probably have searched for that. The people who wrote “Homemade Organic Pest Control” want that. If you are lucky enough to have appeared in the search results and they come to your site, don’t miss the opportunity to meet them where they are, with something they can use. What could be the CTA button for this report? By now you would probably guess: “Give me the recipes” or “I want the recipes”.

Never forget that every word, phrase, and idea you put in front of your people contributes to their impression of your brand. Take a look at your calls to action where you have them with this information in mind. If you’re feeling a little bored, get creative and give your visitors a reason to say “Give me my treats!”

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