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10 safe ways to lose body fat

1. Eat breakfast. No apologies. No Yes. No goals No “but I don’t have time”, or “I get up too early as it is”. Although if you have such problems, try to prepare breakfast the night before if necessary. but you have to. Researchers at the University of Massachusetts found a 450 percent increased risk of obesity if you consistently skip breakfast. ’nuff said.

2. Those same serious researchers found that eating one or more healthy snacks at midday is associated with a 39 percent decreased risk of obesity. Talk about two great reasons to eat!

3. Train with weights at least twice a week. Sorry if I’m being a bit pessimistic about today’s stats, but you want, whoops, I mean you need to know this: Your metabolism will drop by about 0.5 percent every year after you’re in your 20s. Assuming you eat ‘right’ and are moderately active, this will result in a weight gain of about 10lbs/4kg per decade. Imagine if you continue to fill your stomach with junk food, what could happen. You want it?

4. Drink enough water for your body. Dehydration (it comes before thirst) causes stress hormones to rise and sends a message to your body to store more fat. It also slows down your ability to use your muscles, burns existing fat, and just keeps you from feeling good. You need around 0.033 liters of water for every kilo of body weight. (A kilo is 2.2 pounds.) Things that cause an increase in your need for water include overeating, strenuous exercise or sweating, extreme weather, air conditioning, and stimulants like caffeine or sugar.

5. Since we’re talking about stress, you better know this. Constant regular stress and even the perception of stress (i.e. worry that something might happen) will cause a hormone called cortisol to run rampant in your body. Cortisol is an important hormone to help you quickly get out of really stressful situations by fleeing a tiger scenario), but it’s not good for you if you have it running most of the day every day. In fact, it will slowly but surely destroy every one of your metabolic and bodily functions, causing you to gain fat regardless of how you eat or exercise. One of the most powerful stress management techniques I know of is to set aside 10-15 minutes a day just for yourself. No phones, no emails. Try it in a relaxing environment and it could be as simple as going for a quiet coffee before work and contemplating the day ahead.

6. Eat fat. Sure. At least 15% of each meal (for some metabolic types up to 30%) should be fat. You have absolutely no chance of losing weight if you don’t do this.

7. Find something that makes you smile or, better yet, laugh. Every day. Happy people are less stressed (discussed in point 5). Ideas? Listen to or watch a great comedy show, read something proven that you find funny, spend time with your funniest friend and ask them to make you laugh, take some time to catch up with old friends and reminisce.

8. Sleep until you become a beautiful new you. Accumulating even an hour’s sleep debt each night is a surefire way to obesity, heart disease, and diabetes. Do you have trouble sleeping? Try to wear a sleep mask, earplugs, relax without a TV or computer before bed, and minimize alcohol, sugar, and caffeine after 3:00 p.m.

9. Give up caffeine. If you think you’re a stressed person, I’d try a 30-day no-coffee challenge to get caffeine out of your life forever, or just for the moment you feel different. If you experience medium to low stress than 1, MAYBE 2 coffees a day is fine. Caffeine in any form stimulates your sympathetic nervous system, which causes the release of cortisol. And we already talked about what that does, right? Well then.

10. Go 2 weeks without sugar, wheat, dairy or caffeine. Sounds crazy right? But if you want something different or let’s say exceptional health and a body that looks and feels its best, then dear reader, you’ve got to be crazy. It is not like this? Maybe there’s a reason the “norm” doesn’t work for most people, including you. My suggestion is that you are not designed to eat wheat or processed dairy, and sugar and caffeine have no place in a truly natural diet. Try it for 2 weeks without these so-called foods and I guarantee you’ll seriously consider eliminating them entirely. Especially when you notice the initial reaction when eating them again for the first time!

What are your infallible tips to eliminate body fat? If you have something that has worked for you, you’d love to hear it! I think you have a lot of things in your mind about the weight burning tool. Feel free to like and comment.

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