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5 Ways to Get Smoother, Wrinkle-Free Hands

Your hands can give away your age more quickly than your face. They are exposed to sunlight even more often than your face. You can use strong cleaners on your hands or alcohol rubs to kill germs on a regular basis. Both dry out the hands and contribute to wrinkles. Here are 5 ways to get smoother, wrinkle-free hands.

Use a milder hand soap

There are many hand soaps on the market that are mild and still kill germs. Your hands may even be serving up a gentle anti-aging facial cleanser that contains kiwi extracts and germ-fighting active manuka honey.

You may not even need to use soap as much as you think. If he doesn’t see visible dirt on his hands, he hasn’t been using chemicals, and he won’t be preparing food, water may suffice. You will learn more about that in the next section.

Consider alternatives to alcohol rubs

While keeping your hands clean is important to reduce your risk of colds and also helps prevent you from carrying germs from room to room, researchers have shown that using plain soap and water is just as effective at killing bacteria and viruses.

The key, they say, is rubbing. Running water and the rubbing action remove germs from your hands. Unless you work in a hospital where the use of hand sanitizer is a requirement, you may want to consider leaving the practice.

Wear gloves

When you are washing dishes or cleaning the house, wear rubber gloves. Any time your hands come into contact with a harsh cleaner, you should wear gloves.

You should also wear gloves in winter to protect your skin from cold air and dry wind. The cold air literally sucks the moisture from your hands. Excessive dryness is one cause of wrinkles. Moisturized skin appears less wrinkled and is generally healthier.

apply sunscreen

Sunscreen that contains zinc oxide will protect your skin when you are out in the sun. Other sunscreens are less effective and could even contribute to skin aging. You have to reapply the zinc oxide sunscreen according to the instructions to maintain protection.

The sun’s rays cause increased activity of free radical molecules that damage skin cells and fibers. The sun is also drying up.


You could say this five times and those would be your five ways to get smoother, wrinkle-free hands. All other solutions can help make hands look smoother, but only a good moisturizer will have an immediate effect.

A good moisturizer will also contain antioxidants to prevent and help reverse free radical damage. The added layer of protection gives you extra defense against wind and other elements. Just be sure to avoid moisturizers that contain mineral oil or petroleum jelly. In fact, they contribute to premature aging of the skin.

Every time you wash your hands, moisturize afterwards. Anytime they feel dry, reapply your moisturizer. Don’t choose a cheap moisturizer. Choose an anti-aging body lotion or face cream. Your hands do a lot for you. They deserve the best. Click the link below for more skin care information and a free skin care guide.

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