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7 ways to lose weight faster

Being overweight is one of the main causes of concern now. Many university studies pointed to some advice for calorie intake as required by the regulations. There is no general rule for weight loss because each person has a different metabolic rate. It depends on the lifestyle of each person. However, some common practices can reduce your weight to normal level. Here are the key points for your urgent attention.

1. Share your food in three or more feedings in a full day cycle. Some people start a strict diet, but dilation suggests eating four times a day. Make sure your metabolic rate matches your calorie intake.

2. Change your eating habit, chew food longer, make sure food goes into your stomach, which can help you boost your digestive system.

3. Drink lots of water

Like food, water is essential for our body. Normally, 2 to 2.5 liters of water per day are recommended. It will not only improve the color of your skin, but it will also help you to improve the feeding systems. Our body needs water to maintain blood volume and keep the cells in our body healthy by providing oxygen and nutrients. It also controls our body temperature. Eat foods with fiber Eat foods that contain more fiber. Banana, orange, apples are the most suitable fruits to keep you healthy. You need to eat more foods like fruits and vegetables, whole wheat bread, brown rice and beans etc.

4. Follow the WHO guide for a complete food, which includes all kinds of vitamins, necessary minerals, fats and proteins. Food is more essential but normally not all people follow a complete food menu. Therefore, it is essential to have only a mixture of foods!

5. Eat fruits, which contain a lot of fiber.

6. Drink 8 glasses of water a day. Yes, it is more essential for every human being to drink water as the minimum requirement for the body.

7. Exercise regularly for 10 to 20 minutes as suggested by your doctor or dietitian.

Quick weight loss is attractive to people in general. Avoid skimmed milk, butter and ghee, which are “very high” in fat. Also, check your “BMI index” to stay fit. Let’s get inspired by reading famous quotes from leading dietitians and nutritionists.

“Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dinner like a pauper.”

“Saying that obesity is caused simply by consuming too many calories is like saying that the only cause of the American Revolution was the Boston Tea Party.”

-Adele Davis

“Incorporate meal replacement products into your daily or weekly menu. Meal replacements, whether they are packaged foods like Lean Cuisine or shakes like Slim Fast, are very helpful in maintaining long-term weight loss.]Use alone two meal replacements a week would be enough to lose ten pounds in a year, that’s enough to lose weight with minimal change in eating patterns.”

– Dr. James Anderson, American nutritionist.

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