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A brief history of the Pantheon in Rome, Italy

The original Pantheon, which means “Every God”, was built between 27 and 25 BC. C. by Marcus Agrippa as a temple to all the gods of ancient Rome, but today a pantheon can refer to any monument that honors the dead. It was then burned down in 80 AD. C. and then rebuilt in 125 AD. C. by Emperor Hadrian.

The Pantheon in Rome, Italy is one of the most visited tourist spots in all of Italy and is the third most visited monument in Rome after the Colosseum and the Vatican Museums. Because admission to the Pantheon is free, it’s hard to know exactly how many people visit each year, but it’s estimated that it attracts around 1.5 million people a year. This is one of the most complete and best preserved ruins in Rome, standing as the largest concrete structure in the world until the early 20th century.

The Pantheon was converted from a former temple to the Roman Catholic Church just after the 7th century. Instead of being a place to worship the gods, it was dedicated to the Virgin Mary and continues to do so to this day, in AD 609 an altar was added to the structure, opposite the entrance, and on the altar , was an icon of the Virgin Mary. In fact, it is still possible to get married there today.

Many times in the history of the Pantheon, the building has been ransacked by thieves who dismantled the place and took everything, including the golden tiles that were on the roof. Every time items have been replaced and looting has become almost non-existent in recent years.

The structure of the Pantheon has been studied by many, including Michelangelo himself, who came to study the dome of the Pantheon before starting work on the dome of St. Peter’s. The dome of the Pantheon is 43m high and 43m wide, making it a perfect sphere, sitting on a cylinder.

If you plan to visit the Pantheon during your next visit to Rome, make sure you know how to get there. There is no metro stop near the pantheon itself. You can take the metro to the Piazza Barberini stop, it’s about a 15 minute walk.

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