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Average life expectancy for men with prostate cancer, by stage

As with most cancers, prostate cancer is diagnosed in stages, with an early-stage diagnosis being more treatable than a late-stage one, and something that will have a significant influence on the prognosis (life expectancy) of the patient involved. . However, there are also other factors that must be taken into account when estimating a patient’s prognosis, such as: age, general health, previous medical history, etc.

The stages of prostate cancer can be divided into four main groups and more defined smaller groups. Using the TNM staging system (tumor size “T”, “N” if cancer has metastasized [spread] to the lymph nodes and “M” if the cancer has metastasized to distant sites within the body) each stage: I, II, III, and IV may increase the chance of a shorter prognosis for the prostate cancer patient.

Stage I – is where the cancer (tumor) is found within the prostate gland only, and has not yet metastasized outside the gland (the tumor cannot yet be detected by a DRE (digital rectal scan).

Stage II – is where the tumor is within the prostate gland only, it has not yet metastasized, but it has increased in size and can now be felt during a digital rectal examination.

Stage III – is where the tumor has metastasized outside the prostate gland and into surrounding areas, although it has not yet reached nearby organs (detectable by a DRE).

Stage IV – This is where the tumor has spread outside the prostate gland, to surrounding areas, to nearby organs, and to remote sites, such as the bones and lymph nodes.

However, due to the availability of more successful treatment methods, the prognosis for many prostate cancer patients has been extended, and it is estimated that about 95% of patients will live another 5 years after diagnosis (when the tumor is located [without metastasis evident, stages I – II]).

Although, where a diagnosis of localized tumor (stages I-II) has been given, and where radiotherapy or surgery has been chosen as a treatment method, it is estimated that the prognosis for 92% of patients will extend to around 10 years. or more, and where death will not be a direct result of cancer.

Where the tumor has metastasized from the prostate gland to surrounding areas and remote sites (bones and lymph nodes [stages III – IV]), the patient’s prognosis can be variable. However, it is estimated that around 50% of prostate cancer patients will have a prognosis of between 5 and 10 years.

Even in the late stage of stage IV, where the patient’s metastatic cancer has become resistant to hormones (where the tumor stops responding to hormone deprivation therapy and continues to grow), the prognosis for many can be expected to be between 18 and 20 months (in some cases 2 years or more have been documented).

Note: The estimated prognosis of prostate cancer patients should be used as a guide only, as many other factors must also be considered (individually). Different factors can greatly reduce a patient’s estimated prognosis, or greatly extend it, and should not be taken as more than an estimated guideline.

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