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Black spots in the eyes: cause and natural treatment

Black spots on the eye are quite common and, in most cases, they are not serious. They are also known as floaters, as they have a tendency to float in and out of the field of vision. They are generally most noticeable when in a bright environment (for example, when outdoors in sunlight) and when looking at light surfaces. The shape, behavior, and size of floats vary from person to person; some people have described them as similar to roads on the map, while others compare them to a large number of small circular grains.

Although the cause of these blackheads has not been proven despite many studies, scientists believe that the shadows or blackheads that you see in your eyesight are caused by dead cells (including red and white blood cells) and small particles of vitreous protein that are dark enough to cast a shadow on the retina.

Severity of black spots in the eye

In most cases, floaters are nothing to worry about and cannot be more than a minor irritation. However, if you have suddenly experienced a rapid buildup of black spots over a short period of time, some studies suggest that you may have more permanent damage, such as a retinal tear or hemorrhage in the vitreous body of the eye. In this case, seek the advice of an experienced ophthalmologist without delay.

In some cases, black floaters can be prominent enough to obscure an individual’s vision to the point of incapacitating that person. Again, it is recommended that you seek professional advice regarding the condition just to make sure you don’t have a more serious underlying problem.

Treatment options

There are several things you can do to remove blackheads from your vision. The most effective method is surgery, however, it is a fairly invasive procedure, it is not risk-free, it costs a lot of money and must be done through private medical care and requires a substantial recovery time after the operation. I would only recommend that this option be considered if black floaters obstruct your vision to the point of becoming a disability.

Natural means of removing floaters are being used more and more and many people have reported good results from the supplementation of various substances that are used within the eye to promote healing and the production of new tissue. The most successful results have been obtained by combining a series of eye exercises (generally following the guidelines of William Bates) with supplements of substances such as lutein.

In summary

The vast majority who suffer from blackheads in the eye have nothing to worry about for the long-term health of their eye or vision. If you begin to feel that your floaters are obstructing your vision in certain situations, then it is certainly worth experimenting with natural ways to eliminate them, as results can usually be achieved in as little as a few weeks. More severe vision obscuring floaters that have appeared abruptly could well be a sign of an underlying retinal break or hemorrhage and professional help should be sought immediately.

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