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Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle Review: The Ultimate Guide to Fat Loss

I have read and reviewed dozens of weight loss plans and Burn The Fat, Feed The Muscle by Tom Venuto has to be one of the most comprehensive and detailed guides to losing fat that I have come across. Tom has poured over 20 years of experience and knowledge into this e-book and leaves nothing out of it. He really could be the only fat loss guide one needs to read.

Being a 7 time natural bodybuilding champion, there is no one who understands fat loss better than Tom. After all, anyone who can get down to 3.7% body fat without compromising muscle loss really knows what he’s talking about.

There are no gimmicks, scientific jargon, or unrealistic promises. The plan is written for the average person to understand and follow, and is based on sound fat loss principles. Primarily, the program is based on “calories in versus calories out.” Tom believes that each person can be grouped into specific body types and that once he understands his body type, he will be able to figure out the exact proportions of calories and micronutrients that his body needs to create a calorie deficit and lose weight.

Most of the ebook is devoted to understanding nutrition, and by the end of the diet section, you’ll feel like an expert on carbs, fats, and proteins. He’ll learn which foods to choose, which to avoid, when and how often to eat, and how much of each type is best for your body and your goals.

In addition to taking a deep dive into nutrition, Tom also goes over other key elements of his plan, including motivation, goal setting, measuring body fat, tracking progress, as well as exercise and training.

The exercise and training part is based on a lot of theory, so those looking for specific exercise routines with instructions on how to perform each exercise may be disappointed. However, Tom provides his top 5 exercises for each muscle group and also offers a suggested plan for beginner, intermediate and advanced levels. He will just need to learn the proper form of each exercise on his own. An easy way to do this is to ask a trainer at the gym or watch a YouTube video about the exercise he wants to learn.

Supplements are not essential for the burn fat plan, but a multivitamin and omega-3 supplement is suggested. Meal replacement bars or drinks are also recommended for those who don’t have enough time to prepare meals or eat.

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