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Castle drawing – How to draw a fantasy castle

Fantasy castles are really just imaginative drawings based on real existing castles in the world and there are some great sites that feature some extensive photos of real castles from around the world. And this is what this article is about, drawing a fantasy inspired castle based on real life castles.

Although it’s best to take certain elements from existing castles and mix and match them to make your castles original, a fantasy castle drawing actually works best when you’re trying to draw them against a fantasy landscape background, as this frames the drawing. of his castle and puts the focus for the viewer of the artwork right on the castle, regardless of where it is placed in the image.

Starting with a loose sketch, draw out the size and shape of your castle building and mark off some of the towers and a bit of the mountain where the castle will sit, by sketching lightly on rough draft you are creating an idea of ​​what you want achieve, make sure you’re starting. The pencil lines begin to lay the foundation for your overall drawing.

Now we need to develop the drawing further, more sketches are required to work more on the castle structure and the mountainside, a more schematic approach will highlight some wonderful random pencil lines that will help you place more detail later on and the towers are outlined a bit more with the roofs all marked out, start adding windows at this point and a main entrance to scale it down more to a specific castle building.

Sometimes another pencil may be needed, so use a soft 2b pencil to add darker lines and some shading where needed for the drawing to show some sort of light source and where darkness falls, a lot of the detail is also visible. they add now like more brick detail and rock detail on the mountainside as well as what could be in the background landscape like some hills and the moon you will already see the castle has come a long way from the initial sketch what you did in the first step.

An optional inking of all dark areas can be used to make the black ink drawing lines contrast with the white of the paper surface, this is a comic book method that really isn’t necessary if you feel your drawing looks good the way you do in pencil, so feel free to draw a castle your way.

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