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Cat Litter Box Training Problems

Sometimes there can be problems training your cat or kitten to use the litter box. Patience and timing are the keys here. The more patience and time you can spend training your cat to use the litter box, the faster and easier the training will be.

Unfortunately, not all cat owners are good trainers. They may not have the necessary time. Or in the case of children, you can forget or just not be bothered. So the cat is the one to blame for the problem. Poor litter box training is the number one reason cats are brought to shelters. This is a shame, as with a little patience and perseverance, it shouldn’t take long to do.

Make sure your cat can easily climb into the litter box. Make sure it’s big enough for your cat to move around in and easily cover any droppings. Begin training as soon as you bring your new pet home. Physically take him to the litter box when he wakes up and immediately after each meal. Stay with your kitten or cat while it is in the box until it has relieved itself. As soon as your cat has eliminated, provide plenty of positive reinforcement by petting and talking softly.

It is important that the litter box is cleaned daily, preferably twice a day. Cats are very fastidious creatures and will not want to use a litter box that smells bad. The type of sand can also make a difference. If it’s too thick, you could be hurting your cat’s paws. There are a large number of types of cat litter on the market today. Check with your pet store and see if it’s possible to buy small packages of the different types of litter until you find one your pet likes to use. Kitty litter is a great place to start with your kitty. Your pet store may stock different types of litter boxes, such as a litter tray or litter tray. Choose the one that best suits your living conditions.

Whenever possible, buy biodegradable litter. You’d be surprised how much land cat litter takes up. Try to use something that you can dispose of in your own garden. This will not only reduce landfills, but you can also use it as mulch and fertilizer. There are some disposable kitty litter products on the market today if you don’t have access to a backyard to dispose of it that way. You can also get trash bags, though be careful they don’t create too much of a littery smell if left on for too long.

Place the litter box somewhere that allows your cat privacy. The laundry room is usually a good place, since it is close to the outside and is well ventilated. Whenever possible, try to keep the litter box as far away from the washer or dryer as possible. From time to time, washing machines receive an unbalanced load and make a lot of noise. This can scare your cat, and it will be necessary to make her understand that the litter box is safe to use again.

Some cats will choose where they want to relieve themselves. As long as it’s not in a high-traffic place like the hallway or living room, or in an eating area like the kitchen or dining room, just put the litter box there. Make sure the chosen area is not too cold in winter or hot in summer, or has a strong draft. You wouldn’t be happy using a drafty toilet, would you? Try to make sure that the area is not too noisy, as this can also be unpleasant. If there is a dog that barks every time your cat tries to use the litter box, hope that your cat will choose another spot. If your cat decides to use a room you don’t want her to relieve herself in, close the door to that room.

If you have more than one cat in your house, I suggest having litter boxes for each one. Most cats will not want to relieve themselves in the same spot that another cat has used. If your cat is getting older and having trouble reaching the litter box, why not put some more around the house? This is a fairly simple thing you can do to care for a cat that has shown you love and joy for many years.

Remember, it takes time to properly train anything. This doesn’t just include cats, it also includes yourself when you’re learning something new, as well as kids and partners.

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