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Corn Bag Heat Pads A Practical Guide

Corn bags are natural heating pads that are heated in the microwave. They are a great and inexpensive way to enjoy moist heat therapy.

The absolute simplest way to make a bag of corn is to fill a large sock 3/4 full with dried corn. Tie off the opening with a string or elastic band, and voila! The elasticity of the socks makes it easy to change the callus to distribute heat and adapt to your body. A fuzzy sock can be particularly comfortable.

If you have basic sewing skills, it’s easy to make your own. Simply sew a square or rectangular pillow out of a natural fabric like cotton or hemp and fill it with dried corn. An easy way is to tear 8 to 10 inches of 45-inch-wide cotton fabric and fold it in half. Sew along two of the open sides, then fill the bag up to 3/4 full of the dried corn, then sew closed (the fourth side will be the fold). The results will be a heating pad for 7-9 inch by 22 inch corn bags. You can also custom make pillowcases so you can remove them for washing.

Typically these corn heating pads are heated in the microwave, but they can also be heated in the oven if you are careful. Place the bag of corn in a baking dish and place in a hot oven just turned off. It will take about an hour for them to heat up this way. If you use your oven to cook dinner, place bags of corn in it once you turn it off and by bedtime your bag of corn will be warm and cozy and ready to take to bed.

These natural microwavable heating pads are great to make as gifts and are always appreciated by people who suffer from headaches, neck pain, back pain, menstrual cramps or anyone who enjoys being warm and comfortable.

They also make excellent bed warmers, under the covers they will stay warm all or most of the night.

You can also put them in a plastic bag and place them in the freezer for cold therapy. Which is very helpful for migraine headaches and acute injuries. The basic rule of thumb is heat therapy for chronic pain and cold therapy for acute pain.

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