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Custom Cedar Planter Boxes

Custom Cedar Planter

Custom Cedar Planter Boxes are a great addition to any garden. This durable wood is great for planters because it’s durable enough to last for years, and the slatted bottom provides good drainage for plants. You can even line it with landscape fabric to prevent fine soil from washing away. To get started on your own custom cedar planter box project, contact Valley View Industries today. These unique wooden garden accents are an excellent way to add a personal touch to your garden.

A DIY project can be a fun way to add a personalized touch to your outdoor space. You can buy cedar fence boards to create a DIY custom cedar planter box for your garden. This will save you a lot of money and time and help you save money. It is also easy to assemble, so you can start planting your favorite flowers immediately. If you prefer, you can also apply a water-proof finish to the cedar planter box.

custom wooden planters are made from Oregon grown cedar. They are sturdy and easy to assemble. They are waterproofed and come with three-inch legs that rise off the ground. They are raised about five inches off the ground. You can use them in front of your windows, on your porch, or anywhere else you want to display your plants. And you can use them as a quaint addition to your outdoor living space.

Custom Cedar Planter Boxes

A DIY cedar planter box is a great way to add color to your outdoor space. The boxes are affordable and easy to build. Once you’ve built one, you can use it as a planter or even a window box. And you can even get one for your patio. They’re a great way to showcase your plants and are perfect for the patio or deck. If you’re looking for a new way to decorate your backyard, cedar planter boxes make the perfect way to enhance your landscaping.

The cedar planter box can be used to display a variety of plants. If you’re looking for a beautiful container for your patio, consider a natural cedar planter box. They’re raised off the ground and are perfect for growing herbs, vegetables, fruit, and perennial shrubs. These boxes are also great for patios. They’re ideal for enclosing an area. You’ll be happy you chose this beautiful material for your deck or yard.

These boxes are made of Oregon-grown cedar, and are sturdy and easy to assemble. They’re finished with a nontoxic waterproof sealant to extend the life of the wood and prevent rot. The planter box is raised off the ground on 3 1/2-inch-high legs, so that it doesn’t sink into the ground. They’re also 5 1/2-inches tall, which is perfect for a wheelchair-bound person.

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