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Dehydration of garden crops

Raised on Okanagan fruits and vegetables, Dave and Lillian Brummet love to share their passion for gardening, produce, and cooking. Today you will help us reduce food waste in our kitchen, stretch our budget, and make a difference for the planet.

Having a small dehydrator can save you a lot of food waste in the kitchen, and you’ll never have to pass up people offering you their garden extras. Plus, leftovers from meals can be easily dehydrated and used later for on-the-go situations like backpacking or snowshoeing.

After dehydrating any vegetables, use a blender or grinder to create a fine powder and store in separate jars. Every year we dehydrate at least one jar of chopped sweet peppers, hot peppers, and ripe tomatoes. If any recipe calls for chopped chillies or bell peppers, fresh or ‘sun-dried’ tomatoes, we can easily substitute a dried version. We also have a jar of mixed vegetable powder; using a few teaspoons of this mixture in homemade broths for added flavor or to help thicken and enrich stews and soups. Simply reconstitute the powders by covering them with a little boiled water for a few minutes. (Reserving excess water to use as broth).

Adding tomato powder to burgers or meatballs makes for a completely different and delicious experience. It also works as a fantastic thickener for sauces or ketchups that are too watery. Also, in a pinch, 1/4 cup of reconstituted tomato powder can be used in place of a small can of tomato paste.

Try rehydrating a few tablespoons of the dry product with a small amount of water, making a paste to rub on chicken breasts or roasts before cooking. Alternatively, add some to store-bought chicken coating mixes. In our latest release, a recipe collection of over 300 delicious and nutritious meals (from One Small Garden), we have a great recipe for making your own mix.

By cooking with fresh, locally sourced produce packed with nutrients, you can live a better life. The way we eat has an impact on our world: it affects the health of the earth, the purity of the water and air, and of course, your own personal well-being. Burmmets From One Small Garden Cookbook encourages gardening and composting among over 300 amazing food recipes. This book shows the value of getting every ounce of flavor and nutrition from your well-earned food. So, the next time you see a big sale during peak harvest season, or a neighbor threatens to give you another box of vegetables, grab the dehydrator and get going!

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