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Dried fruit

Nuts are a very useful ingredient both in savory cooking and in desserts. It offers a concentrated burst of sweetness and can often help curb even the most persistent sweet tooth. You can dry your own dried fruit or buy it at the supermarket. Raisins, dried apples, dried figs, and dried bananas and other types of dried fruits can be used in a number of ways. Here are some suggestions.

Substitute dried fruit for fresh

Dried fruits are a wonderful addition to any recipe. In blueberry or blueberry muffins, for example, you can substitute dried fruit for the fresh version. If the recipe calls for a cup of fresh fruit, use ½ cup of dried fruit. Soak the fruit in a little orange juice or water to fill it up.

trail mix

Dried fruits are a great addition to any trail mix. Simple sugars are a healthy substitute for sweets and offer a quick burst of energy when you need it. If your walk is strenuous, you will need to eat a constant amount of food to maintain your energy and stamina. Simply mix the dried fruit of your choice with other ingredients like pretzels, cereal, nuts, and crackers. Keep the mixture close at hand so you can chew on it on the go.

Salty cuisine with nuts

You can also include small pieces of nuts in the salty kitchen. Incorporating raisins and chopped dates into a couscous, rice, or lentil pilaf offers a great way to contrast the spicy and sweet in the same dish. Other dried fruits, such as mango or pineapple, work well in a variety of sauces and glazes. For tips on how to cook with dried fruit, you can search online or in cookbooks. Middle Eastern food often incorporates nuts into their dishes.

Nuts serve as a healthy snack or as an interesting side to your meal. Find creative ways to cook with dried fruit and you will be rewarded with good health.

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