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engagement gift ideas

Your friends just got engaged. You are happy to see them together and you want to get just enough to show your happiness. You want to recognize this wonderful moment in your lives; but you have no idea what to buy. Well, we have some ideas to help you. Some of these are gifts for the new boyfriend or the new girlfriend, and some can be given to them as a couple.

“Just got Engaged” graphic t-shirts. You can get one just for him or her or get a matching set for you to wear together.

The International Star Registry will choose a star in the sky and you will be able to choose a name for it. Add your names together as the new star. The Registry will send you a certificate of a new star in your honor.

Find a four-leaf clover that is framed. Add a note that you know they don’t need a four leaf clover since they have been found. They have all the luck they will ever need.

Get a set of keychains with the accessory that is a heart broken in half. Half of the heart goes on one string and the other heart on the other string. The two halves will form a heart when put together.

Find a chrome or gold doorknob and have your name and soon to be common surname inscribed on the plate.

Find a “countdown clock.” The clock can be set for the number of days until your wedding date. Each day the clock will remove one day until they get married.

All couples have arguments. Getting past the argument is the hard part. Try this as a gift. According to an old Irish tradition, engaged couples were presented with a crystal bell. Whenever an argument arose, all it took was for one of the partners to ring the bell and the dispute would be settled instantly.

Find crystal flutes and engrave your names into the crystal with your engagement date. Add a bottle of your favorite champagne.

Things get confusing when the bride plans her wedding. To make sure she has good memories, give her a bridal scrapbook to record all the wonderful things that happened during this time.

As the bride begins to plan her wedding, shopping will be a big concern. Buying the dress, the bridesmaid dresses, what tableware to select, the silver. Send her a subscription to one of the bride’s magazines so she can do some of this work in the comfort of her home and finance it herself.

Most unions have a bit of a turmoil from time to time. Give your engaged partner a “relationship book” written by a renowned author. You can also check on the internet and find a site that will give your partner an acre on the moon. They will receive a certificate from their lunar surface.

Another keychain idea has a lock on one keychain and a key on the other. They will have to decide who has the lock and who has the key.

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