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Fashionable strollers for 2012

With the sea of ​​high-end luxury strollers, it can be a difficult decision when it comes to choosing the right one for you. Speaking purely from a fashion perspective, there are 2 strollers released in 2012 that have caught my eye as the top picks for those new fashion conscious moms (and dads!).

Both are from Bugaboo:

1. Bugaboo Cameleon Neon Pop

2. Missoni Special Edition of the Bugaboo Bee

Bugaboo truly stays on the cutting edge of trends and has proven once again that they are a force to be recognized with in the luxury stroller market. For those of you looking for the latest and greatest, these two are clear 2012 winners.

There’s always room for a bit of haute couture and if there’s a stroller out there to help me look better in those first zombie mom months, I totally agree.

So how do you know which of these special edition strollers is right for you?

Let’s break it down:

1. Bugaboo Cameleon Neon Pop – The bugaboo cameleon is a great all-in-one model if you are looking to have just one stroller for your little one. It will take you through all the stroller years and make you look good! It’s compact enough to fit on grocery store islands and won’t make you sweat on public transportation like some of the other bulkier all-in-ones. The cameleon fits many popular car seat brands, making car travel synchronized and will convert to a 2 wheel position for rough terrain. Looking great has never been more practical!

* Choose this stroller if you are fashion conscious in a casual way. This stroller will dress up your simplest outfit and will make you look with accessories despite dark circles.

2. Bugaboo Bee Missoni – The bugaboo bee was made for Father Urban. If you’re looking for a compact and lightweight kit, but still want the all-in-one functionality of the Cameleon, the Bee is here to hold your hand. This stroller is super easy to use, folds like a dream, and you can invert the seat in an instant. This stroller also fully reclines, has a huge canopy and a large basket underneath for all your shopping needs.

* Choose this stroller if … you’re the type who would never dream of leaving home without being fully armed. While the Missoni print will make even the most casual look trendy, this stroller was made for the urban fashionista. Prepare to be envied.

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