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Gay bars in Haiti

The Haitian gay community does not have its own Haitian gay bars and clubs and for people visiting Port-au-Prince it will be the most likely place to find bars and clubs for entertainment. The gay community works by word of mouth and people from the gay community gather in small groups for dinner and drinks.

The designated place of these groups are the restaurants and beaches of Lyscha Beach. There is also the Montana hotel, which is known for being a bar frequented by the local gay community, for dinner and drinks on the upper terrace.

There are also gatherings in the central Champs de Mars square, this is where the locals gather and where there are often food vendors and a few tourists. Planning a trip to the central square amphitheater should be done with caution, as it is in the poorer part of the city, this is where there will be singles and couples sitting in the outdoor seats or walking into the theater.

There are no gay bars or clubs in Haiti, but the gay community has certain bars where they meet and there are other bars with live entertainment for the visitor to Haiti. Part of the reason there are no gay bars or clubs in Haiti is because the gay community has basically lived underground for many years and is just beginning to emerge. The visitor to Haiti will find plenty of other things to do on their trip besides hotel bars and clubs to patronize.

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