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Good friend and best friend: what’s the difference?

Sometimes in life it’s hard to understand the latest ‘rules’… Is it okay to update our Facebook status? Am I allowed to like your company? Should I text late at night after a glass of wine? Surely the outside world has become confusing.

One that often comes up in the world of friendship is when a person becomes your “best friend.” Some consider this to be equal to a new romantic relationship and saying “I love you” for the first time. I mean… A huge ball of stress.

If you’ve been dating a new friend for a while and feel like maybe she could be falling into the BFF category… You might want to consider a few points first…

1) Some people launch BFF and others take it very seriously. Approach with caution.
2) Most people agree that you can have more than 1 best friend. “Better” doesn’t really seem to imply what it once did in the age of moving around the country, Twitter and instant messaging.
3) This beautiful poem… Help reduce it…

What is the difference between a good friend and a best friend you ask?

A good friend will tell you what you want to hear.
A best friend will always tell the truth.

A good friend wants to talk to you about your problems.
A best friend seeks to help you with your problems.

A good friend will be there for you throughout school.
A best friend will be there until the day you die.

A good friend will get you out of jail.
A best friend will be sitting next to you saying
“Damn, that was fun!”

A good friend brings a bottle of wine to your party.
A best friend comes in early to help you cook and stays late to help you clean up.

A good friend hates it when you call after they’ve gone to bed.
A best friend asks you why it took you so long to call.

A good friend wonders about your romantic history.
A best friend could blackmail you with that.

A good friend thinks the friendship is over when they have an argument.
A best friend calls you after they had a fight.

A good friend, when visiting, acts like a guest.
A best friend opens your fridge and helps himself.

A good friend has never seen you cry.
A best friend’s shoulders are soaked with your tears.

A good friend doesn’t know your parents’ first names.
A best friend has your phone numbers in his address book.

A good friend expects you to always be there for him.
A best friend hopes to always be there for you.

A good friend is someone you enjoy hanging out with.
A best friend is someone you need.

Now that we’ve cleared up the rules… Get out there… and find your best friend! If you have one… why don’t you text him right now? Facebook status? OK… Email works too.

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