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Gourmet Coffees From Around the World

Gourmet Coffees

While you can find delicious coffee from many regions in the world, a few beans are a must-try. El Salvador’s Finca Los Planes coffee has been a prize-winner in the Cup of Excellence competition. This unique blend features hints of chocolate, fruit, and caramel in each sip. And because of its excellent roasting and freshness, it is a great value, too.

Kopi Luwak is one of the rarest and most expensive coffees available. Wild cats eat and digest the beans that are harvested and processed to make this unique coffee. Its rich flavor comes from the digestive process, which reduces the acidity. Kopi Luwak is also highly prized and can easily cost you hundreds of dollars a pound. But before you make your next purchase, take a look at its price.

Nicaragua has produced some of the world’s best coffees, including the popular ‘Nicaragua’. The best of these coffees have chocolate and fruity notes and are complemented by dark roasts. Sumatra Mandheling is also known for its sweetness. This coffee is grown in the Lintong region in north central Sumatra, near Lake Toba. To maximize the natural sweetness of these beans, medium and dark roasts are recommended.

Costa Rica’s San Isidro cacao boasts fruity tones, while Concepcion cacao from Guatemala is a milder alternative, with citrusy acidity. If you want a coffee with a little more kick, look for an Ethiopia Koke Honey. These coffees are grown at similar elevations to Panama’s Geisha Reserve Natural coffee. Both coffees have a complex yet balanced flavor, and a hint of tropical fruit.

Gourmet Coffees From Around the World

The foundation of gourmet coffee is the bean itself. Depending on the micro-climate and the soil of the area, a certain coffee can be truly excellent. And while coffee beans are the foundation of gourmet coffee, the people who grow them make all the difference in the quality. A passion for coffee growing and the process involved in growing it is evident in the final product. It’s no wonder that so many coffee lovers are drawn to these fine products.

For a more unique experience, try a coffee that was grown on a farm. Coffee grown on farms has a richer, more earthy flavor than a coffee grown in a lab. Visit a coffee farm to learn about the process and discover the unique qualities of the product. You’ll enjoy a more rewarding cup of coffee when you visit the field and sample it for yourself. And if you’re a fan of coffee from other countries, try one from Rwanda. Despite the genocide, the coffee industry in Rwanda has risen.

It’s worth noting that coffees are at their best within a couple of days after roasting. In fact, coffee is at its peak flavor in just a few days, so it’s better to purchase a fresh roasted single-origin coffee than a blend. And because coffee is often roasted by hand, a freshly roasted single-origin variety will yield a richer and more flavorful cup than a cheap blend.

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