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Home Security Checklist – 10 Simple Steps to Secure Your Home Interior – Home Security

Homeowners can stop most residential Break and Enters (B&Es). B&E crimes are primarily perpetrated by unsophisticated criminals who take advantage of immediate opportunities. Unfortunately, the opportunities provided by the owners themselves.

Specific things (opportunities) the potential offender is looking for:

1) Homes that appear vacant (ie vacation homeowner/renter) – unmowed grass, stacked newspapers at front door, backlog of mail, no lights at times (usually at night) when a family is expected to be home;

2) Houses and neighborhoods where landlords/tenants appear to be working – mail in the mailbox, packages at the door, advertising flyers left at the front door. A simple act of ringing the bell or knocking on the door can confirm this;

3) Houses in luxury neighborhoods (more to steal);

4) open garages (entry point to the house, place to hide or steal contents);

5) An easy entry method that offers concealment – Fenced or hedged backyards, rear or side doors/windows completely or partially shielded from view by fencing, screened patios, shrubbery, sheds, basement window wells;

6) easy entry points – unlocked doors/windows, doors/windows that are easy to open (sliding windows or patio doors that can be lifted off their tracks), breakable glass in or near doors that could allow the door to unlock, doors that can be unlocked easily force open with a foot, a plastic card, a crowbar or a chisel (poor quality locks or poor installation).

Here are 10 ways to target hardening your home, whether you’re away for the day or on a long drive:

1) Create Light and Sound. Use automatic timers for interior lights and motion detector lighting outside your home. The new timers have a random on/off time and battery backup in case of power outages. Make it look like your house is occupied both day and night. Connect lights and radios to these timers.

2) Leave a key with a trusted friend or neighbor so they can check on your home at least every 48 hours. Some home insurance policies provide for such regular checks on your home or void your insurance coverage. Consider a house sitter.

3) Create that lived in look. For long trips away from home, ask a neighbor to park a car in your driveway, keep the front door clear of newspapers/flyers, and mow/shovel snow.

4) Make sure all windows, all doors, and all garage doors are closed. Disconnect power to automatic garage doors. Proper installation of latch, hinge, lock, deadbolt and door frame It is important to ensure that doors and windows cannot be opened, separated or unscrewed to allow easier forced entry into your home. Change the locks on new houses or if you have lost the key. If they want to make breaking glass the only option for a criminal. Glass can be tempered, especially in and near doors, with tempered and special shatter-proof laminates. Use only solid exterior steel doors. Install viewers through the door to make sure you can see who is at your door before you open it. Video surveillance cameras connected to your PC and also to your PDA are now reasonably priced.

5) Install an alarm system who moans loudly when he stumbles. Like your car’s flashing alarm light, have a similar visible indicator in both front and rear windows. Let potential intruders know that you have a burglar alarm system.

6) Install bars or grill work. in your basement windows (these can be opened from the inside in case of fire). A window well provides a convenient place for a would-be burglar to take a long time to enter your home through the basement.

7) Don’t leave your garage door opener in your car when you’re at work. If a thief breaks into your car, he will know your home address from your vehicle permit. If you leave your garage door opener in the vehicle, you now have easy access to your home, too, while you’re at work.

8) Document your possessions. Take photos and/or videotape all your valuables. Every year film your entire home, belongings, and property. Record serial numbers in large values. Store all this information off-site. You now have a record of all your assets in case of theft or fire.

9) Register and mark valuables through Operation Identification (contact your local Police). Get a tape recorder from your Community Police Office or buy one. Write or engrave your driver’s license number (not SSN or SIN) on valuables. If you are stolen and found later, the police can verify your name and address with Motor Vehicles. Keep a minimum of cash and valuables in your home. Secure valuables off site (bank safe deposit box).

10) Maintain a community of good neighbors. Organize a neighborhood watch []. Take care of each other. That nosy neighbor can make a perfect burglar alarm system.

Your home and property are part of a community and neighborhood. There is always strength in numbers. Extend your home security network. Work to make thieves in your community hostile. Clearly let the bad guys know, “Go somewhere else”!

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