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How Can I Get Free CEUs for Nurses?

Get Free CEUs

If you want to continue your education in the field of nursing, obtaining free nursing CEus is an excellent idea. There are a number of ways to do so, including attending conferences and taking online courses. The benefits of attending conferences include free CEus and the chance to network with like-minded professionals. Some conferences even have thought leaders in the field of nursing and breakout sessions to discuss current topics and issues in nursing.

One CEUs for Nurses course is called COVID-19. This course provides 1.5 contact hours and is centered around the effects of the disease on the mind. The course reviews recent pandemics and coronavirus issues, as well as the effects of the disease on a person’s mental state. Other courses are related to the topic of depression and anxiety, and address strategies to cope with these. You can also take courses that train school personnel or train a hospital staff member.


Continuing education for nurses is available in a variety of formats, including online courses and seminars. However, there are limitations to how many CEUs you can earn in any one year, so be sure to check with your nursing state board for exact regulations. Online courses can be extremely convenient, and they count as CEUs if you pass the state board’s approval process. If you do get approved, you can claim the CEus certificate you’ve earned.

How Can I Get Free CEUs for Nurses?

Free nursing CEUs are also available online through organizations such as Wild Iris Medical Education. The company offers more than 80 courses and is celebrating its 24th year in business. Wild Iris Medical Education accepts CEs from all states and is accredited by the American Nurses Credentialing Center. These courses are accredited by the ANCC, so they’re approved for continuing education. You can get up to 20 free nursing CEus from Wild Iris Medical Education.

When you get a free nursing CEUS certificate, you can use it to renew your license. Many of the online courses offer certificates of attendance, which you can download for free and print. The best part is that you can take the test without spending a dime. If you’re satisfied with your score, you can print your free certificate and use it as your proof of continuing education. This will help you get your nursing license renewed without any problems.

Another option is to find a nonprofit organization that offers free nursing CEUS. The nonprofit organization has a number of online courses, including courses on after-surgery nutrition and special topics related to specific conditions. Most courses will provide you with at least one hour of free nursing CEUS. You can even donate to charity if you don’t want to spend a dime on continuing education. Just make sure you give back in some way to the community.

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