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How much does a Toyota Prius battery cost? Ways to save when you need to get your Prius battery repaired


The Toyota Prius is a mid-size car that is fully electric hybrid. It has been developed by Toyota Motor Company. The Prius is believed to be one of the most fuel-efficient cars sold in the US according to the US Environmental Protection Agency.

The main problem that many customers have with the Prius is related to the battery life. In many cases, Prius batteries only last 150,000 miles or only 8-10 years. The Toyota Prius is a great car, but if you ever need to replace the batteries, you’re in big trouble. Let us give you your options and help you.

When it is out of the warranty period, you will have to pay a heavy price for your hybrid batteries. Some used Prius battery packs are offered on websites that will cost around $ 1000. However, this can be risky. You should look for other dealers who can offer you high quality hybrid batteries at a good price. This can be difficult to find because many dealers are still charging exorbitant prices for new hybrid batteries.

The cost of the battery of the Toyota Prius has been reduced recently. They were previously priced at around $ 3,000. When you look around you can find them for about $ 2,300. These quoted Toyota Prius battery cost prices are outrageous and not affordable for the typical Prius owner.

Another quicker and cheaper option to reduce the cost of your Toyota Prius battery is to purchase a rebuilt battery from dealers other than Toyota. This will save you time and money. You can even find many people who are willing to sell rebuilt Toyota Prius batteries online. This is still a bit risky, but much cheaper than paying Toyota your money to fix what should never have been broken in the first place.

I decided to use the lowest cost option myself. I found a guide online that you can use to rebuild the battery yourself. I didn’t want to rebuild the battery myself at first so I spoke to my local auto shop and they said that if I gave them the guide they would turn ocher in color and they would rebuild the battery for me at store prices.

I couldn’t justify giving Toyota my hard-earned money, so I did some research and discovered this great guide. The guide was inexpensive and saved me a ton of money and hassle. I was back on the road for less than $ 500 and had a lot of money in my pocket and no Toyotas.

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