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How people steal your power, energy and soul

One of the least talked about topics is the topic of how people steal power, soul and energy from other people.

It is more common than you can understand and it goes beyond the realm of the physical dimension with people and extends into the non-physical dimension with non-physical beings.

People on earth have what is called soul or personal power. The soul of humans is something that can be taken, given away or stolen. The act of “soul stealing” is a common phenomenon among people in relationships where one person is a dominant or power taker.

People also have what is called an energy field or aura. A common problem that most people have is that at some point in life they have become disconnected from their own personal power or soul and because of this they have become dependent on other people’s energy. The term “Energy Vampire” or “Psychic Vampire” is often a misunderstood term, but basically it is a person who lives and feeds off the life force or energy of other people. The “energy vampire” person is actually unable to develop her own energy and, in turn, has to go “outside” herself to get energy. The main cause of energy stealing or feeding is the lack of connection with one’s own personal power or soul, because if you had a connection with yourself on a deeper level, you would not need to use other people for energy. It is extremely common among humans, although only a few people are really aware of it, in terms of having to protect their own energy from being stolen or used by others. On a deeper level, the act of taking or using another person’s energy is based on having power over another person, and is a lower level of consciousness that people have chosen to operate under.

A common belief is that energy vampires are negative people or use negativity to drain you, although this is not true. Someone can take your energy just by talking to them, listening to them talk, looking at them, or being close to them in terms of space (as if you were standing very close to another person). It has nothing to do with being negative, it has to do with a person who is on a lower vibration energetically, and just by dealing with them, your energy is taken away.

What’s even more interesting is that most people who take or use other people’s energy don’t know they’re doing it. This is because most people do not understand how energy works, therefore they have no idea that they are draining you of your energy. People who understand how energy works and are also users of other people’s energy are what I call “professional thieves,” meaning they actually deliberately choose to use other people for energy. I had a friend at one point in my life who told me that she would purposely “steal” other people’s energy and feed off other people’s energy. She asked her how she did it and she told me “with the mind”. She said that she would draw people to her intentionally just with her thoughts and just by someone paying attention to her, she could take her energy from them. I asked her: then does a person have to be attending to you?, and she said yes, that by paying attention to me she gives me her energy. This makes a lot of sense, because whatever people focus on tends to give them their energy. Later I always found myself tired and exhausted around this “friend”.

Whenever we have a relationship or interaction with another human being, the other human being with whom we have a relationship or interaction will function on two levels.

The first level is the level of the giver, this is a person who does not have any kind of hidden agenda or desire to control or have power over others. This level is how people should function with each other. This level is what is correct and respectful within the universe as the way you are “supposed” to operate as a human being. Within the universe, humans are supposed to be beings that “share” their energy with each other, and don’t take energy from others and give nothing back in return.

The giver is a person who is connected with the “light”, as they say, that is, this person has a connection with their own inner power/soul and does not need to use other people for energy, because they can develop their own energy. Energy. This is how you are “supposed” to function as a human being.

-The giver has an energy field (aura) that develops its own energy and in turn gives that energy to others.

The second level is the user/abuser and taker level.

The user is the human being who has chosen to dominate, control, have power over, or manipulate another as a way to compensate for their own lack of power, understanding, and soul. The user may be completely unaware of their actions and functions on “autopilot”, not really knowing who they are and why they work the way they do.

Some users understand more than others and actually steal other people’s power, energy, and soul on purpose.

The user tends to associate with other users and donors tend to avoid these types of people. The user may be in high profile positions such as teachers, healers, leaders, etc. The user is more common within the human race than the giver. This is mainly due to unhealthy choices and being spiritually disconnected from one’s own power and soul. The user tends to operate under fear, which is due to the user’s own lack of power, understanding, and higher awareness. The user functions on a level where non-physical beings of a dark nature function, which is a level where they outdo each other, dominate each other, or try to control each other.

-The user has an energy field (aura) that is inverted, which means that he does not develop his own energy, but obtains it from outside himself, from other people.

When we treat each other in a social or sexual relationship, we exchange energies completely invisible to the naked eye. When a user trades with another user, very little energy is lost or stolen between the two people, since they are both users and operate at the same level.

When a user trades with a giver, there is an imbalance in the energy exchanges. What this means is that the user cannot give or exchange energy due to his lack of power, while the giver tends to “give” energy to the other person who is the user. So this imbalance creates an unhealthy relationship between the two people, as one person takes and the other gives. As the relationship develops, the user can steal whole parts of the other person’s power or soul that he gives. These power or soul parts that are stolen from the giver are usually unknown to them due to a lack of understanding of how the soul works on an energy level regarding “soul loss”. As parts of personal power are stolen, openings or holes are created in the energy field. Once a person begins to develop holes in his energy field, he is “energetically vulnerable”, meaning that he lacks power, which in turn has caused him to become energetically open to non-physical beings. The attachment of non-physical beings in a person’s energy field is what causes a person to develop lower levels of consciousness, energy, and power. The more power one person has stolen from another, the more power that person loses and the more energetically vulnerable that person becomes.

It is important to understand that we are not living in a world that is made up of kind and loving beings, even though you think you are. The darkest truth of life is that this world we live in is made mostly of fear based beings, lower level humans and dark consciousness. Because if we lived in a loving world there would be no need to fight, battle, have power over each other, start wars or hurt each other.

The fact that humans have lived for thousands of years and created nothing but disease, pain, and misery within each other is just one example of how humans operate on a deeper level.

Now, I think there is a time for change. That we must understand what is wrong in order to fix it.

That we must choose to understand who we are and learn to make the decision not to live in fear, or give our power to others, or allow fear and low level energy to enter our lives.
Until we understand that there is no longer any need for fear, pain, or misery, we will never change.

Making the decision to become spiritually intelligent is understanding who we really are.

Who we are is not a living, breathing human being, but we are much more than that. We are soul beings, trapped in a physical body until we make the decision to leave this world.

So when a person comes to you to steal your power, what are you going to say?

Do not! You can’t steal my power, go find your own energy and power and stop using other people for your own personal gain. When we make the decision not to allow others to use us, we choose to empower ourselves through our own decisions to not allow other people to make us sick.

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