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How to approach a person when giving a business card

If you’ve been online a lot, you probably understand the importance of business cards and their distribution. But handing out business cards isn’t as simple as walking up to a person, saying hello, and handing them a card. Effective card distribution requires a set of understandings between you and the other person. This article will discuss two of those understandings.

#1: You must learn about the other person’s business and purpose

When approaching someone, you need to do more than just greet the person. You need to take some time to engage them in a meaningful conversation about your business. This conversation usually lasts more than a few seconds and its goal is to establish an ongoing relationship between you and the other person. Some things you both can talk about are 1) the purpose of your respective business, 2) the history, 3) and what you hope to get out of the relationship.

Understand that passing a business card is more than just a way to promote your business. It’s also a way to build a long-term relationship with the people you pass it on to. And like any long-term relationship, you have to take the time to sit down and get to know the other person if you want to be successful.

#2: You must also establish a strong relationship with the other person

There is nothing more important in your networking efforts than building a strong relationship with the other person. This is true even when business cards are distributed. Discussion is always key, but even more important is a good relationship between the two of you. This requires 1) good eye contact, 2) good listening skills, and 3) a strong indication that you show genuine interest in the other person. This is not something that can be accomplished in less than a minute.

Spend some time reaching out to another person both professionally and personally. When you do this, your business card will have more impact because the other person is more likely to hold onto it and perhaps spread the word about your business. But your business card distribution efforts will be less effective if you’re not building a strong relationship because others will be less willing to keep your card. If they don’t keep your card, your card distribution efforts are futile.

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