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How to give a good back and neck massage using the Spider Walking technique

The spider walking or spider toe technique is one often used during a full back and neck massage. It tends to get into the “rut” after the introductory effleurage period and after any deeper tissue work along the spine, neck and back muscles. This means that the application of massage oils has already been done and no preparatory applications are required for this technique.

Spider walking involves walking with both hands, in a spider motion, along the area of ​​the body being massaged. Only the fingertips are used to put pressure on the area, and it’s also usually very similar to playing the piano. The catcher will be lying face down, with their head resting on their hands to ensure proper alignment. The provider will be to the left or right of the receiver and will work on their back, which is why the spider walk is often compared to playing the piano.

Technique won’t play a big part in the overall result, but it’s a wonderful way to transition between intense and gentle massage techniques. For example, it would ideally be worn after the rubbing process which used light pressure on both sides of the spine, starting at the base of the skull. Once the masseuse has completed one stroke both down and up the spine using their thumbs to create rubbing motions, they could use the spider-walking technique to move back down to the bottom of the spine. back before moving on to a kneading technique. of the lower muscles of this region.

Clearly, this indicates that it would require only a few minutes, but this maintains contact between the provider and the recipient, and also continuously stimulates the muscles in the most crucial areas of the neck and back.

If at any time the receiver seems to tense up, it is important to ask if any particular movement has caused discomfort or pain. If this is the case, it will be vitally important to use a significantly lighter touch for all remaining techniques. The spider walk technique is an excellent remedy for times when a patient needs to transition to a less intense massage.

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