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How to lose fat fast without pills, potions or needles

When a person finally decides to take a break from the burden of obesity, often the first question is, “How can I lose weight fast?”

In today’s age of self-medication, very often the first solution is to get some pills. But for those of us who want to live life without a bunch of pills in our bag, where can we turn?

Are pills, needles and doctors the only solution?

Lucky for us, the science of nutrition has made great strides in recent years, specifically in the area of ​​understanding how the endocrine system responds to food. The endocrine system is those parts of your body that make hormones. And in case you haven’t heard, hormones are the power factor in rapid weight loss.

For years, the only way to regulate these powerful hormones was to take pills or use the needle. One would try to regulate or administer hormones through the bloodstream in the form of steroids and stimulants. This type of hormone regulation is done by taking specific ratios of drugs that are known to have an effect on hormones that help burn fat, such as HGH (human growth hormone).

The other hormone regulating chemicals

The fact that is often overlooked by people in their quest to lose weight is that food is also chemical. So if we can treat food like medicine, using it in the right relationship to each other like pharmaceutical companies do when they make pills, then we can achieve drug-like effects using real food. And best of all, we can get these results without the threat to our health (or jail time).

The diets that have taken the lead in regulating fat-burning hormones are those that use Calorie Cycling.

Calorie cycling is where the types of calories consumed are cycled in a way that forces the endocrine system (hormonal system) to continue creating hormones that aid in fat loss efforts.

Now it should be noted that Calorie Cycling is a bit of a misnomer because it’s not really the calories that get recycled, it’s the macronutrients: protein, carbs, and fat. However, Calorie Cycling was the phrase that stuck, so we used it.

As for the results, they are genuinely on par with any pill or potion out there. Calorie cycling diets have been shown to have profound effects on fat loss, with average fat loss more than double that of pure calorie restriction diets. Many dieters have seen as much as 5-7 lbs. of fat lost per week, and sometimes more.

Here’s the kicker, most of these results were without any exercise at all.

Side effects? More like side benefits…

So what can you expect from a calorie cycling diet, besides rapid fat loss? Well, due to the volume of food consumed and the way of the cycle, most dieters noted a lack of hunger compared to normal dieters.

Also, since the diet relies on food types and not caloric intake for results, there is no need to control portions. So for those tired of counting points, pints, or calories, such a diet can be a real boon.

Also, many people who have used this type of diet love the “anything goes” cheat days, food-wise. It’s a nice feeling of freedom.

The fact is, cutting-edge nutritional science has put the power back in the power of dieters and has made the need for pills virtually obsolete. And Calorie Cycling can be a real benefit for those who have struggled with diets and food before.

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