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How to name your RV

Recreational vehicles and their owners are like dogs and their owners; they look alike. Naming an RV is as easy as knowing who you are and what type of RV you have. I don’t mean if it’s a fifth wheel, a toy transporter, a taxi, etc. And I don’t mean if it’s a Cougar, Jayco, etc. Rather, I’m referring to us RV owners, as buyers, builders, or innovators.

Take us, for example, we own a 2004 Pop Up Camper with no frills (and no toilet). It rolls up, it relaxes, it has shades that block sunlight to encourage our young children to sleep, and a basic kitchen that allows us to create fresh salads and complete meals. It is simple, not flash, but effective. Generally, exactly who we are. Don’t get me wrong, we enjoy the finer things in life – traveling abroad, having someone else cook for us (having dinner periodically), and outdoor toys – boats, bikes, hiking gear, etc. Also, I love my newly bought / used GMC Denali that can haul all of this so it wouldn’t be fair for me to say we’re not materialistic. But we fall into the category of buyers. The “buyer” is the one you want to be configured and ready to go. We sum it all up by calling our camper “Needs a break” and our sign speaks for itself (our last name is “I need”).

Take our friends. They have built their caravan by hand. It has a tubular design and a spectacular place to look. They call it the tunnel and it invites all walks of life to ask for a tour. With careful calculations, plan drawings, measurement, research, and over a year of dedication and commitment, they own a truly one-of-a-kind motorhome. Paying care and attention and dedication is something that they apply to everything they do. They are the builders who will be working on your motorhomes for years to come. They could name their camper “Exclusively ours” or “One of a kind”.

Then there are the “others”. They may be buyers or remodelers, but nevertheless, the caravan does not travel “as is”. They treat your RV like a home away from home. They put things in that sense. They have purchased durable sheets, plates, wine glasses, comfortable outdoor chairs, and other gadgets to improve their efficiency in living in compact spaces so that they can maximize their outdoor life. They decorate their outdoor living room with solar lights, flags, and even tiki bars; anything they can add to what already exists to show that IT is theirs. I call them buyers / innovators. You could name your camper “Home is where the heart is” or “Welcome to the Smiths.”

Go ahead and think about who you are and what type of RV owner you are: buyer, builder, or innovator. And then think about what you would name it.

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