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I want to start a mobile car wash company

So you want to start a mobile car wash company right? I can’t blame you after being in business for over 27 years and there are a few recommendations I have if you are serious about starting a mobile car wash business. For example, when you hire new crews to work with you, make sure they are clean and athletic because it is very hard work and you don’t want them to slow down after only working a couple of hours at 10:00am in the morning.

The most successful mobile car were companies that also clean fleets of vehicles on weekends such as heating or electric company vans or post office jeeps under contract. The best place to get cash clients is at your work and you can wash their cars in the parking lot. The great thing about a mobile car wash company is that you usually only have to make the sale once and if you do a good job then they want you to come back every week and clean your car again and some of the customers . will subscribe to a monthly service or pay you cash on the spot.

This makes for a very good business, but it is extremely hard work and would not be for someone who is very lazy. I guarantee that if you start a mobile car wash business, you will lose weight and most likely get a tan too. You may have seen mobile car wash companies in your area but I wouldn’t worry about the competition because everyone owns cars and since you can only clean 50-60 cars a day imagine how many more cars there are clean but you’ll never . reach? Consider this in 2006.

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