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Lose Belly Fat & Gain Six Pack Abs – Motivational Advice

When it comes to losing belly fat and getting a six pack abs figure, every day can be a challenge. One day you eat more, the next you fast and the third you only drink liquids.

Most twelve week diets feel like they take a lifetime to achieve anything. Make a 25-30 day plan that you can stick to at the end of the “campaign,” reassess your progress, and revise your plan for the next 25-30 days.

On the days when you eat whatever you see, or if you want, the days when you cheat on your goal of eating to lose weight and get a ripped belly, you can get discouraged because you feel like you’re spinning your wheels or even going backwards. . On days like that, train your shoulders and biceps hard to take advantage of the calorie surplus you’ve created from overeating. At the end of your campaign you will see more definition.

When you fast after a day of binge eating, go ahead and do an exercise routine and you will see a weight loss of a pound or more. Your body has the nutritional requirements to sustain you since you ate the day before.

Simply feeling better every day from working on your body and knowing that you are one of the few who takes this life seriously enough to take care of yourself will motivate you to get started. Once you start getting feedback and compliments from your coworkers and others who know you about how great you start to look, your motivation and our confidence will skyrocket. So keep going and never give up.

As you progress through your diet and training plan, you always want to learn more about your body and how to achieve the balance and physique you are looking for. Just reading a few articles or literature on the subject will keep your mind focused on your goals. You’d be surprised how much easier it is for me to eat fruit and water instead of soda and candy since I started writing articles on weight loss, how to get rid of ugly belly fat fast, and how to get ripped abs. Because my mind is hyper focused on the subject, it keeps me exercising and watching what I eat.

It is very gratifying to change your life and your physique, as one person said “if you don’t do what you are doing, then change, you are not a tree”. You are going to love the way you look and feel taking care of yourself. If you haven’t been working on yourself, now is the best time to start, after all the summers are almost upon us and you still have time to get a killer body.

If you’re looking for muscle tone and weight gain, try doubling your protein intake.

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