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Ovulation and Conception

Trying to conceive isn’t just a matter of what you do, it’s also a matter of “when you do it” and during ovulation is the best time to conceive. This is because the female body is not constantly fertile all the time. Instead, every healthy woman goes through what is known as the fertility cycle, which begins when her period begins.

A period occurs when the body sheds the lining of the womb that has been prepared to house a fertilized egg (ovum). If pregnancy does not occur, this lining is shed in the form of bleeding that occurs during a period. Once that lining has been removed, the body prepares for the next possible pregnancy.

About fourteen days before your next period starts, which is about halfway through your average cycle, ovulation occurs when your ovaries release an egg. If this egg is fertilized through intercourse during this time, it will embed itself in the lining of the womb (which will have grown back by then) and develop into a pregnancy. Therefore, if you are trying to get pregnant, you should time most of your intercourse to occur during this most fertile time.

ovulation calendar

It’s not always easy to know when you’re ovulating. Although some women’s periods run like clockwork, that’s not true for most people. Therefore, you may need help. To be more exact, you use an ovulation calendar.

To use an ovulation calendar correctly, you need to be familiar with your own body, and many young women, for a variety of reasons, are not, or their periods are so irregular, that you need to understand the symptoms of ovulation.

ovulation signs

To find out when your ovulation days fall, there are certain physical signs you can look for:

  • High basal temperature. When you ovulate, your temperature rises 0.4 degrees or more, and it stays constant until the end of your cycle, when you menstruate again. Start taking your temperature with a sensitive thermometer from the first day of your period onwards, and after a couple of cycles you will be able to record your ovulation period.
  • Changes in the shape of your cervix. If you’ve never had a baby before, it may not be as easy to find, but by carefully inserting a finger into your vagina, you can feel it there. At ovulation, it is softer and wetter than usual.
  • Changes in cervical mucus. At this time, your cervical mucus becomes thinner, clearer, and more slippery than at any other time in your cycle.
  • Other symptoms: Some women feel a slight pain during ovulation. Over time, you may feel it too as you get to know your body. Others, although rare, even experience light breakthrough bleeding.

Sex is not a chore for conception

Remember: when you’re trying to conceive, don’t just schedule intercourse on the days of ovulation. This could make it a boring task with only one goal in mind. While it’s obviously best to be together as much as possible at your most fertile times, just think of it as a time to show each other more love and still be as spontaneous as you can. Hopefully, you will conceive a baby, and if you don’t, at least enjoy the extra closeness and love you have with your partner.

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