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Phlebotomists and EMS are now working with Austin police to catch the influenced drivers

The Austin Police Department in Austin, Texas has decided that drunk driving has caused too many accidents and deaths and it is time to stop it. However, doing so has proven to be no easy task, as many police departments across the country have tried to do the same. Instead of conducting breath tests to determine a person’s alcohol intake, the Austin Police Department is partnering with a company called Protouch to have phlebotomists come to the scene and take the driver’s blood to have some sort of test. of conviction the day. test.

In the rare event that a phlebotomist is not available to drive to the scene as quickly as necessary, paramedics are called in and the driver is taken to the hospital for the phlebotomists to draw blood.

A breathalyzer or respiratory gas analysis can only detect an indeterminate value of blood alcohol levels and bases its findings on the amount of alcohol exhaled in the breath, not the amount of alcohol in the blood. Also, substances that contain alcohol, such as mouthwash, chewing gum, or even vomiting and spitting up that occurred 20 minutes before the test, could lead to falsely high readings. Not only is there the possibility of uncertainty with the results of the device, but there is also always the possibility that the device may not function properly. To ensure accuracy, the breathalyzer must be frequently calibrated with air containing a controlled amount of alcohol to ensure correct readings. Because this involves so much inaccuracy, police officers can hold an influenced driver until they perform two, three, or sometimes even four breath tests.

Blood tests, on the other hand, are the most accurate way to measure the amount of alcohol in a person’s bloodstream. Most of the time, the Austin Police Department performs a blood test for exactly the same reason; there is no possibility of false readings with a blood test. However, police officers are not trained to draw blood and are therefore forced to enlist the help and assistance of trained phlebotomy specialists. In fact, paramedics were not even allowed to call on the scene of such cases and draw blood samples until lawmakers decided to change this in 2013. Now, APD can count on the help of speedy paramedics for a faster result. . and a firmer foundation for a successful trial.

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