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Physiotherapy: Who is a physiotherapist?

Physical therapy, also known as physical therapy, is actually one of the few highly regarded health care professions in the US. It is offered by a number of physical therapists who contribute to, maintain, or improve health through effective diagnosis, evaluation, treatment, patient education, physical intervention, prevention, and therapeutic health promotion. Both patients and professionals reap the benefits of this profession. Here are some things every physical therapist should know.

Physical therapy can be used for a variety of conditions, including arthritis, sports injuries, nerve injuries, carpal tunnel syndrome, tendinitis, osteoporosis, geriatrics, neurological problems, fertility problems, lupus, menstrual disorders, bone fractures, stress incontinence and much more. One can seek therapy for prevention or relief of pain. Physical therapists often recommend activities such as massage, exercises, traction, manual lymphatic drainage, laser therapy, ice, heat, electrical stimulation, electrodesiccation, ultrasound, and exercise programs. They may also refer their patients to other specialists, such as orthopedic surgeons, sports physicians, neuromusculoskeletal and vascular therapists, and pediatricians for specialized care.

A physical therapy job description includes the following 6 basic activities: muscle control and stability, range of motion, strength, coordination, and power. This includes not only simple exercises but also procedures such as balance, traction, ultrasound, electrotherapy, and cold packs. These tasks promote healing and prevent injuries. Injuries are prevented when physical therapists properly assess a patient’s needs and determine the type of treatment he needs based on the severity of his injury.

As part of physical therapy, a therapist may take the patient through a variety of exercises designed to increase strength, improve flexibility, and build resistance to injury. This can be done in a clinic or at home. He may recommend stretching exercises, light resistance or strength training, or low-impact aerobic or cardio exercises.

Physical therapists also learn to perform exercises that improve mobility. Common exercises that help improve mobility include walking, flexibility exercises, and range-of-motion exercises. Some physical therapy clinics offer occupational therapy, which teaches physical therapists how patients can regain their independence and regain their health. These types of therapists are known as functional therapists.

The pain people experience in their joints and bones can be debilitating. A physical therapy job requires the use of a variety of techniques to reduce pain and prevent further injury. For example, when preparing for surgery or radiation therapy, patients may experience pain during the procedure or later after it is completed. Physical therapists may recommend stretching exercises to reduce pain after the operation or while you are recovering from it.

Some physical therapy exercises usually last only a few minutes, while others can go on for long periods of time. Examples of these types of exercises include resistance band exercises, stability balls, chair exercises, calf raises, and stretches. Others that are commonly used are stretching exercises to increase flexibility and range of motion. Examples of stretches commonly used in physical therapy include plantar fasciitis and tennis elbow.

When you go to your first physical therapy appointment, you should remember to tell the therapist about any injuries you may have. For example, if you have recently had an accident or are uncomfortable doing the exercises, you should tell your therapist. You should also tell them if he has had an injury before and how long he has been unable to stand up. You usually won’t be able to start running immediately after a procedure, but you should be able to gradually increase your distance and speed over a period of time.

As you work with your doctor and physical therapist, you should gradually regain the ability to do the things you used to do, such as walking, running, playing with your kids, shopping, going to the gym, watching your favorite TV shows, and more. You may also be interested in watching our clip on Rheumatoid Arthritis: Symptoms and Cures.

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