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Reasons to paint the interior of a house

Painting the interior of a home can give it a fresh, new look. Whether done to change the entire home’s décor or to make room for a new occupant, a few fresh coats of paint can help transform a home. There are many reasons why a home’s interior should be repainted. These are just a few.

Paint the interior of a house at least every 10 years. When inferior quality paint is used, it will need to be repainted first. Using a quality paint will not only refresh the room, but it will also protect the walls and last longer.

When a room looks dirty and gray, regardless of the wall color, it’s time to repaint it. Nicotine stains and carbon dust can also affect the color of a room, so it needs to be done beforehand. Be sure to clean the walls first.

Outdated wallpaper styles can make a room look like it’s stuck in the ’80s—or earlier. This can ruin the whole look of a room and make the house look unkempt and even dirty. When the wallpaper is peeling and falling off the walls, consider removing it and painting it for a sleek modern decor.

Paint that is cracked or bubbled should be scraped off and sanded down. Not only is it dangerous to have pets and small children around, but it is also embarrassing for the owners in front of the guests. Once the sanding is complete, it is ready to paint.

Putting a home for sale in the real estate market is making it show the best of itself. A fresh paint job will give it a new look and smell. Use neutral colors to avoid discouraging potential buyers.

With a baby on the way, it’s time to turn another room into a nursery. Use traditional pastels or bright colors to give it a soft, relaxing feel. Bright, lively shades are also appropriate for newborns to match the new motif in the nursery.

One sign that children are growing up is that their room décor changes. When
The little ones get their first “big boy bed”, it’s also time to paint their bedroom. One way to make them feel even more important is to let them choose the color. Entering middle or high school is also a sign that it is time for a change.

When you put something on a wall that is very difficult to clean, it’s probably time to paint. When the kids have been coloring the walls with crayons or permanent markers, it may well be a reason to call in a painting contractor. Soot from a fire or overspray from an arts and crafts project are other reasons.

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