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Review of Larry Crane’s The Course to Plenty

Many self-improvement books and courses tell you what you need to do to improve your life and create abundance, but they rarely show you how to do it.

Larry Crane’s Abundance Course not only tells you what you need to change, it also shows you how to do it. The unique Release Technique offers a simple way to delve into your inner thoughts, your subconscious, and get rid of the negative energy, beliefs, and thoughts that are holding you back.

One of the first things taught in the course is that wanting something is accompanied by feelings of lack. These feelings of lack prevent you from getting what you really want! Think about it, when you want something, you are focusing on the idea that you don’t have it. Because you focus on not having it, all you’ll get is not having it. For example, I might want more money because I don’t have enough. The more I focus on wanting money, the feeling that I lack money takes over and prevents me from achieving my desire for more money. You will learn how to overcome these feelings of desire and how to change the way you think to attract the things you really want.

The Abundance Course was created by the teachings of Lester Levenson. When Lester was just 42 years old, he found himself sick and dying in the hospital from heart failure. His doctors sent him home, saying there was nothing they could do, and gave him only a few weeks to live. Lester knew that he had to change or die. When he was at home, Lester began to get rid of all the negative feelings inside him through the Release Technique.

Larry Crane took Lester’s teachings and made them his own through this unique course. There are 12 CDs (along with many bonuses), which really guide him step by step to achieve abundance in his life. You can listen to them over and over again, and keep practicing and releasing.

The Abundance Course may not be right for you if you are not willing to open your mind and really do the simple exercises suggested. It’s like the student from Karate Kid. At first, he did not see the point of waxing and waxing exercises. Only by practicing, concentrating, and honing the skills was he able to keep going and learn more. With continued practice and doing, you will discover for yourself abundance in your own life.

Some of the exercises may be a bit uncomfortable for you as you explore your own mind and discover things about yourself that were hidden in your subconscious. By acknowledging and confronting these thoughts and beliefs, you can release the negative feelings and resistance associated with them.

You will be amazed at how simple and powerful this course really is. If you have ever wanted to achieve more and find peace, happiness and abundance, this course can help you.

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