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Silky Terrier Coat – Breaking Through Many Colors

Silky Terriers have soft, human-like hair called fur. Their coats change in both color and length as they grow from puppies to adults.

The cubs are born black and tan. As they age, their color changes, also known as breakage. The break is visible through the black and tan colors at the roots of the hair, which begins to transform on the back, head and around the legs.

Silky Terriers generally begin to break up around six months of age. Puppies that change color earlier often turn silver or light blue. Puppies that break off at an older age usually turn dark blue. These small dogs maintain a deep, rich tan color around the face, which includes the muzzle, cheeks, and around the bottom of the ears. This deep, rich tan color also tends to linger on the legs, feet, and around the rear end area. The top of the head, also called the bun, will be a less intense silver or beige color.

You may need to wait until the dog is one and a half years old before it is completely finished changing color. At that moment you will know what color your Silky Terrier is going to be.

Adult coats can consist of silver, silver blue, dove blue, or slate blue and tan. The blue begins at the base of the skull and extends to the tip of the tail, down the legs to the elbow and to the middle of the thighs on the outside. The tail is a darker blue than the rest of the body.

Silky Terrier coats are long, silky, shiny, and smooth when mature. This dog does not shed because it has no undercoat. Its fur follows the contour of its body and hangs a few inches beyond the belly.

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