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Survival technique: learn to walk like a fox

The first thing I learned in my survival classes is that a good shelter in a bad place is a bad shelter. The second thing I learned is that walking with foxes makes a difference in what you experience in the wild and what you miss.

Painted turtles are back, and I think I’ve figured out what makes them jump into the water when I’m still 50 feet away. It has to be the vibration of my footsteps on the ground. It is not movement. Once I settle in to watch them, I can write in my journal or chew a carrot and they don’t jump off the log. Now, I am motivated to practice fox walking.

So what is fox walking?

It is placing the foot on the ground BEFORE putting the weight on it, so that the center of gravity is at the hips. It forces you to take shorter steps. In slow motion:

1. Touch the ground with the outer edge of your foot

2. Roll your foot in until it is flat on the ground

3. Before adding your weight, is there a sharp stone, rounded branch, or other object that might make noise or irritate your foot?

4. If so, reposition your foot

5. Transfer your weight to your foot

6. Repeat with the other foot

What are the benefits of walking with foxes? Not only is your chance of seeing and hearing birds and other wildlife increased, but your sense of smell and touch are enhanced. It’s much easier to walk barefoot, so practice at home or in your garden. Once outside, you’ll be surprised at how much less noise you make as you walk.

Like any other technique, it takes time to master. To get back on track, I practiced moving and saying put your foot on the ground, roll, and transfer weight with each step. Eventually, the rhythm and pattern become second nature.

An added benefit is that your mind slows down, distracting thoughts fade, and you notice details and subtleties that often fade into the background when you’re walking at speed. Some teachers consider this a form of meditation. In this tumultuous world, that’s fine by me.

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