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Take These 5 Important Steps Before You Start Grilling

As with traditional cooking, preparation is paramount when you’re about to grill your food. Having everything ready and checking your equipment will save you a lot of time and energy once your fire starts. Once you start grilling, you’ll want to focus on cooking your food perfectly and not be distracted by other things.

Here are 5 important steps to take before you start grilling:

Prepare your grids

It is important to prepare the grids before putting food on them. This will prolong the life of your grates by preventing them from rusting. Always do this before using your grill.

If your grill is new, evenly spray the grates with high-heat cooking spray before lighting the grill. Light the grill over medium heat until the oil begins to smoke and burns. If you are using old grates, preheat your grill and then brush off any residue.

Prioritize security

Everything that has to do with fire and high temperatures must be done with caution, and barbecues are no exception. To avoid accidents, you must put safety first and exercise caution whenever you grill at home.

Grill in an open area of ​​your garden, away from any flammable objects like walls or trees. Always check your grease tray and empty it to avoid a grease fire. Wear gloves, wear long-handled flip-flops, and keep a fire extinguisher nearby.

Prepare food in advance

Once you turn on your grill to preheat it, your food should be ready to go. You don’t want to be going back and forth from your kitchen to your grill while you cook. To save time and energy, prepare your food in advance: slice and dice your meats and vegetables, and prepare sauces.

Don’t forget to bring clean plates, grilling accessories, a food thermometer, paper towels, and garbage bags with your meal.

Pay attention to your grill

The preparation and operation of your grill depends on the type and model of grill you have. Different types and different brands sometimes require specific instructions to work properly. For example, when preheating, charcoal grills require more time compared to the gas variety. Be sure to refer to your grill manual for instructions.

Check and maintain your grill

For successful barbecues, you need to get into the habit of always checking your grill. Maintenance is also essential. Brush your grates, check your grease trap often, check your propane tank, and keep your grill in a covered area for storage, preferably with a cover.

Do These 5 Important Steps Before Grilling for a Successful Cookout!

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