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The art of modern wizardry and the philosophy of the Wryd

Modern Sorcery is the revitalization of an ancient philosophy that puts back into use the laws of nature, the laws of the Universe used and manifested by wise men throughout the centuries.

The word ‘wizard’ derives from the Middle English word (dating from 1100-1500) wys, meaning ‘wise’, combined with -ard, a suffix meaning ‘one who does’. The word wys derives in turn from the Proto-Indo-European base (about 5,500 years old), woid-/weid-/wid-, which means “to see”, therefore “to know”. This is the original meaning of the word ‘mage’, and the one we use, not the newer meaning associated with magic.

The reason why we are Modern Wizardry is due to an update of the ancient practice of wizardry, of wisdom. Our roots go back to Lemurian times.

The word ‘wyrd’ is an Old English word meaning ‘fate’. Derived from the Proto-Indo-European base wert- meaning, ‘turn, wind’. Within Modern Wizardry, we use the word ‘Wyrd’ to refer to how Source tries to steer us down the best path we can possibly follow, like a wind blowing you in the right direction, but ultimately it’s our choice and our responsibility. . to choose whether or not to accept this guide.

We think it’s wise to follow the Wyrd, wherever it leads us, no matter how challenging and bizarre the situations may be, simply because Source knows best and can be absolutely trusted.

Modern Day Wizardry, under the organization of the Wayfinders Organization, provides workshops and instructions from the official website where Wizards of all levels can be found.

Mages embrace knowledge, for wisdom grows from knowledge, in the same way that trees grow from seeds. Modern wizardry has a motto that personifies the way of thinking and the path of life.

‘In humility we improve ourselves to help humanity and the earth’

Magicians can be found in all walks of life, anyone can be a magician, magicians today encourage intuition in their life, encourage unconditional love, if these attributes are part of your life path then ya You have the wryd in your life and you are well on your way to becoming a master wizard.

If you feel the way of the wryd, then just out of the pursuit of knowledge or even curiosity, you will visit The Art of Modern Wizards official website to gather the knowledge and seek the path that your itch keeps you seeking.

Mages can connect with the One Source as well as the Earth Goddess through the act of Treeing, this is accomplished by using their internal energy center which resides within and is considered to exist in the lower abdomen area, just below your belly button. In Eastern traditions, this is the area that is called the Dan Tien, in the Western world, this is the area that dowsers know to be the center that controls the dowser’s ability to detect the Universe, modern scientists have also identified this area. area as the one with the greatest mass. of neurons outside the human brain.

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