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The pros and cons of teen pregnancy

Teenagers are becoming more sexually active these days. This increases the risk of contracting STDs and also of unwanted pregnancies. Some teens are aware of the consequences of having unprotected sex and others are not. Then there are those who want to have a baby and those who don’t but end up getting pregnant anyway.

Teenage pregnancies are wanted or unwanted. Either way, if you are a teenager, there are still issues to deal with. These are some of the pros and cons of teen pregnancy.


They will most likely miss out on the necessary education. Some teenage girls don’t like the stars they get for having a big belly, so they may stay home from school. Then there are those who get very sick from pregnancy and have to stay home. Not to mention all the medical appointments they have to go to. Therefore, there is a great possibility that they will miss many days of school or stop attending for the time being.

Pregnancy will have a big impact on them. They will go through pain, gain weight, lose sleep, feel stressed, and more. Pregnancy can be very hard on a teenager. Her bodies are not as strong as those of adult women and they are new to this experience and in most cases it is something that is difficult for them to experience.

Dealing with family is another negative aspect of teen pregnancy. In most cases, parents will be upset. They know that they will have to support the teenager and the baby once it is born. In most teen pregnancies, the teen will not be able to care for and support the baby. They will need some kind of help. This help usually comes from the parents. So it’s normal for them to be upset with the teenager.

The most common downside of getting pregnant as a teen is not being able to do the things you normally do. After the baby is born and even while the teen is pregnant, she won’t be able to do the things she normally does. For example, they may like to play basketball, go to the amusement park, and do things that they can’t do during pregnancy. When the baby comes, they have to turn their attention to the baby. They won’t be able to go to the mall every weekend or go out with friends. They will have to care for the baby unless they have a babysitter.


They will be able to grow with your child. Being a young father also has its good points. Being able to do things with your child is always nice. Older people tend to let things go because they don’t like whatever the child likes or just because they’re too tired.

Getting pregnant as a teenager does not have many positive aspects. There are more negative things than positive. Either way, just make sure you know what you’re doing before you do it. Learn what happens when you have unprotected sex and get pregnant. It’s also a good idea to have a conversation with an older relative or parent who can have a quiet conversation with you.

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