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Top 10 Retiree Health Issues

According to UN statistics, in mid-2019 the world population was 7.7 billion. Of these, 703 million (9.1%) were 65 years of age or older.

The world population is expected to grow to around 9.7 billion by 2050, when the number of older people will have doubled to more than 1.5 billion, or just over 15% of the total population in 2050.

Aging can cause various health problems to a degree not experienced by younger people.

Once you are 60 years old, a common cold or the flu can lead to more serious medical conditions. These include respiratory illnesses such as pneumonia, bronchitis, sinusitis, or ear infections.

If you already have a chronic disease like diabetes or asthma, a respiratory disease can make things much worse.

Here is a brief overview of the most common health challenges faced by retirees:

  • Chronic diseases

  • Physical injuries (falls)

  • cognitive health

  • vision and hearing

  • teeth and gums

  • behavioral health

  • substance abuse

  • Malnutrition

  • constipation and incontinence

  • Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs)

Chronic diseases

The term chronic refers to a disease or illness that persists for a long time or recurs constantly. It does not indicate the severity of the disease.

The leading causes of death among retirees in the US are chronic diseases such as heart disease, stroke, lower respiratory disease, cancer, Alzheimer’s, obesity, and diabetes.

According to the US National Council on Aging, 80% of older adults have at least one chronic condition and 70% have two or more. The figures of other advanced countries such as those of the European Union, Canada, the United Kingdom, etc. they are similar.

Chronic illnesses can limit a retiree’s ability to perform normal daily activities.

This causes them to lose their independence and become dependent on long-term services and supports, such as caregivers in their own home.

Eventually, they end up having to enter a nursing home (retirement) or skilled nursing facility staffed by trained nurses and caregivers who are experienced in caring for the elderly.

The best way to prevent or control chronic diseases is to:

  • get regular checkups

  • eat a healthy diet

  • exercising regularly and consistently

  • lose weight as needed

Physical injury (falls)

Falls are one of the leading causes of fatal and non-fatal physical injuries among retirees. Having a fall can cause hip fractures, head injuries, and even death.

Every 15 seconds, a retiree is admitted to the emergency department of a hospital due to a fall. A retreat dies from a fall every 30 seconds.

These are sobering statistics…in fact, retirees are hospitalized for fall-related injuries five times more than for injuries due to other causes.

There are several reasons why retirees are more prone to falls than younger people:

  • Aging causes your bones to shrink and your muscles to lose strength and flexibility, making you brittle and more likely to lose your balance and fall.

  • Diseases like osteoporosis and osteoarthritis can make you even more frail and prone to falls.

Fear of falling can cause retirees to limit their activities, which can lead to further physical deterioration and therefore more falls, as well as social isolation and depression.

In many cases, the tendency to fall more as you age can be reversed by increasing your physical activity to strengthen your body and by making some practical modifications to your home.

cognitive health

Cognition It is the mental action or process of acquiring knowledge and understanding through thought, experience and the senses. cognitive health it refers to your ability to think, learn, and remember.

Dementia is a general term for loss of memory, language, problem-solving, and other thinking skills that are severe enough to interfere with daily life.

There are several types of dementia. Alzheimer’s disease is the most common form of dementia.

Currently (2020) about 50 million people have dementia. By 2050 it is expected to have tripled in size.

Your risk of developing dementia increases if you suffer from chronic diseases, such as diabetes, hypertension, depression, HIV, etc. Your risk is exacerbated if you smoke or engage in substance abuse.

There is currently no cure for dementia. But you can manage the disease by using a treatment plan based on the type of dementia you have and the medications prescribed.

You can also stop the decline in your cognitive health by doing crossword puzzles and other mental exercises, and learning a new skill.

At 74 years old, I am learning digital marketing and the effort has certainly improved my thinking skills. Now I understand faster and remember better.

We will talk about this in another post.

vision and hearing

Problems with our eyes and ears are extremely common after the age of 70.

It appears that 25% of retirees have a hearing problem and 17% have a vision problem. Both of these problems can be easily solved with hearing aids and prescription programs.

The evaluation of these conditions and their related solutions are improving rapidly due to the continuous development of new technologies.

teeth and gums

The most common problems we have with our teeth and gums are dry mouth, gum disease, untreated tooth decay, and oral cancer.

About 25% of adults over the age of 65 no longer have any of their natural teeth. Of those with at least some of their own teeth, about 20% have untreated cavities and more than 70% have gum disease.

Poor oral health can negatively impact your diet (as you avoid eating nutritious foods that are meant to be chewed) and can lead to low self-esteem.

Oral problems can also negatively affect the management of any other chronic health conditions you have.

The good news is that poor oral health can be managed by visiting your dentist regularly.

The sad news is that dental services are not cheap and they are not affordable if you have a measly pension.

behavioral health

Weather behavioral health refers to how behavior has an impact on an individual’s well-being, mental health it deals primarily with the state of being of an individual.

One in four (25%) of retirees experience behavioral health problems, such as substance abuse, while 15% of adults over the age of 60 suffer from a mental disorder, such as chronic depression or anxiety.

Problems such as depression, anxiety, and substance abuse can negatively affect the treatment of other chronic medical conditions, reducing your quality of life and leading to premature death.

Depression… affects 7% of retirees, although it often goes undiagnosed and untreated. It can be a side effect of other chronic health conditions.

Managing these conditions can help relieve depression, as can leading a healthy, active lifestyle and having the support of family and friends or other social support groups.

Suicide…in the US retirees account for more than 18% of all suicide deaths. People over the age of 85 are four times more likely to commit suicide than the rate for all ages combined.

substance abuse… like drinking alcohol to excess, it is responsible for a significant number of deaths among retirees.

Behavioral health problems are not a normal part of aging. They can be treated effectively.

Despite this, two-thirds of retirees in the developed world do not receive the care they need.

substance abuse

Alcohol or recreational drug abuse is more common among those over 65 years of age than previously thought.

But, because substance abuse is not associated with the elderly, it is often overlooked and overlooked during medical tests.

Additionally, retirees are often prescribed multiple prescriptions for long-term use and therefore have many medications on hand.

Physicians should look for signs of substance abuse when conducting medical checkups on their patients.

If you tend to abuse substances, there are many support services that help people of all ages to stop their bad habits.


If you are malnourished, your muscles and immune system are likely to be weakened.

There are a variety of reasons why retirees may be malnourished and they are mainly due to other health problems. For example, retirees with dementia may forget to eat.

If you’re on a measly pension, you probably can’t afford to eat a highly nutritious diet. Other causes of malnutrition include depression, alcoholism, and having few social contacts.

You can improve the nutritional quality of the foods you eat by increasing your intake of fruits and vegetables and reducing your intake of salt and saturated fat.

If you cannot afford to eat properly or have difficulty cooking, you can avail of the food services t

constipation and incontinence

These conditions are common with aging and can impact the quality of your life as a retiree.

Being constantly constipated or unable to control your bladder can be due to a number of causes… normal age-related changes… chronic disease (such as diabetes) and… not eating a well-balanced, nutritious diet.

If you suffer from incontinence and constipation, you should eat a nutritious diet, exercise regularly, and maintain a low weight.

Also, you should swallow your embarrassment and discuss the matter with your doctor and follow his advice.

In fact, depending on the cause of your bladder and bowel problem, there are some effective medical treatments available.

Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs)

Although sexual needs and ability may change as you age, desire doesn’t go away, as I’m sure you already know.

There are medications like Cialis (my favorite) that can help you overcome sexual dysfunction.

STDs threaten retirees as much as younger people.

We may be more likely to become infected because we are less likely to use condoms, which, combined with our weakened immune systems, makes us more susceptible to serious STDs.

The solution is simple… use a condom.

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