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Top 10 Simple Methods to Help Relieve Asthma

Asthma symptoms include shortness of breath, chest tightness, congestion, wheezing, and shortness of breath. This lung disease affects more than 25 million Americans. There are many reasons like stress, dust, mold, pollen and climate change that can directly aggravate this condition; thus, leading to asthma attacks. Sometimes it is genetic.

For asthma patients, Pranayama (breathing exercise) Anulom vilom is essential. This breathing exercise can cure 70% of your asthma. This Kriya yoga clears the airways, strengthens the lungs so they can pump more oxygen and hold air. This allows the patient to breathe easily. This is a safe and stress-reducing process. The first couple of months, when you start this Kriya yoga, it will be a bit uncomfortable because you already have a breathing problem. But once you get used to Pranayama, the breath will move freely throughout the body, providing proper nourishment to the cells, organs, tissues, and glands. This helps reduce chest pain and relieves you of congestion. Sometimes when you are sick and cannot sit on the floor or in a chair, you can still practice Pranayam slowly while lying straight on your back, and it really helps.

Practice yoga poses slowly six days a week. Whatever poses you can easily do. This will help release mental stress and body tension. This also helps to strengthen the power of the body and mind. Your body can produce more energy to fight and meet your daily physical challenges.

1. Grind horseradish and refrigerate. Mix a teaspoon with a teaspoon of honey and swallow it with warm water every day 30 minutes before lunch.

2. Keep a piece of cloves in your mouth to soothe your throat. Helps mucus move easily.

3. Consume hot soups every day to soothe the throat and cleanse the digestive system.

4. To relieve asthma, swallow a clove of crushed garlic morning and evening with warm water.

5. Use a humidifier in the house to moisten the environment. Helps calm wheezing.

6. Boil a handful of eucalyptus leaves in an uncovered pot and inhale the steam. This can be soothing and calming and helps ease breathing.

7. For asthma patients, exercise and walking with short rest intervals are essential. Yoga Shavasan (dead body posture), is highly recommended to relax the mind and body completely after any exercise and / or walk.

8. Consume the juice of one lemon, a teaspoon of honey and a cup of warm water to soothe an asthma attack. You can repeat it as needed. If you are diabetic, avoid honey and use a little brown sugar.

9. Boil ground ginger (about two inches) and a piece of licorice in three cups of water. Drink half a cup of this hot ginger tea with a little honey or artificial sweetener if needed. This helps calm asthma and moves mucus.

10. Dissolve 2×3″ of jaggery in a liter of water and drink throughout the day. This helps clear the throat. Avoid ice and cold drinks.

Five minute meditation every day helps us to feel oneness with The Source where we all come from, to play our role on this temporary stage (the world). Believe in miracles, and miracles happen. When we meditate alone, we detach ourselves from the outside materialistic world. Focus on your breath as you repeat, “I am a soul at peace and I am not this body,” and try to associate yourself with “the source.” Once you realize that you are an immortal soul, you can awaken your consciousness and find abundance.

In asthma, practicing Bhastrika and Sitali breathing exercises for one minute every day is helpful in helping our body produce more energy. It may be a bit difficult to take a deep breath, hold, and then release. If you can, take short breaths. Keep inhaling and exhaling vigorously, because practicing breathing exercises every day helps clear the airway and strengthens the lungs to pump more air. Your lungs may start to hold air for a couple more seconds. When we take a deep breath, the air sinks deep into the body and energizes dying cells; thus, making us healthy and energetic.

In asthma, Kapalbhati (breathing exercise) for five minutes really helps. Focus on exhaling quickly and continuously. Take one breath per second, with a little force contracting your abdominal muscles, and you can feel a little push in your lower back. Once you get the hang of it, increase this to ten minutes. Be patient and slow. Give it some time and your efforts will bring you great rewards.

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