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Waste disposal issues, waste management and recycling

Waste disposal in NJ can be used as an example of waste management across the country. In NJ, like other places, waste is generated in many forms. Its composition and volume depend to a large extent on consumption patterns and the existing industrial and economic structures throughout the state.

Waste disposal is best when it doesn’t have to be done at all. New Jerseyans are generally good recyclers, but you might want to think harder about the quantity, the packaging, and the way you bring your food home. Reducing and minimizing the waste you generate is the best waste management.

Read on and think deeply about your wasteful habits, because we’ve put together tips to help unleash your creativity in waste disposal and keep our communities great places to live.

First of all, when considering the energy market, it is preferable to incinerate the waste of fossil resources, such as oil, for example, to recover the energy produced, as we do in many of our state plants. Then there is a second life waste, which becomes a replacement fuel.

Electronic waste, colloquially known as e-waste, includes outdated computers, monitors, cell phones, televisions, microwaves, digital cameras, portable electronic games, calculators, etc. E-waste is the fastest growing garbage stream in the world, and according to estimates by the Environmental Protection Agency, only 10 percent of e-waste in the United States is recycled. This is a shame, since electronic products can be processed for reuse, repair and, under certain conditions, recycling. Instead, millions of tons of obsolete electronics sit where they fell after disposal in our NJ landfills.

E-waste is the fastest growing component of the municipal solid waste stream, currently accounting for five percent of all municipal solid waste. E-waste has become a very popular informal name for electronic products that are nearing the end of their “useful life”. Computers, televisions, VCRs, stereos, copiers, and fax machines are common electronic products that soon become electronic waste. Many of these products could actually be reused, refurbished, or recycled.

Environmental issues are much more than recycling “stuff”, it’s about dispensing with things, unless you’re willing to pay to keep them for many years. People in NJ just don’t have to buy everything. If you’re really worried about global warming, then you really have to replace power plants that burn oil and coal, with alternatives powered by renewable fuels.

The use of recycled materials is still not very fashionable in our society. The main reasons lie in the average consumer’s perception of recycled products, as well as the price of recycled materials, which is still too often higher than the price of raw materials. Recycling is your chance to keep NJ a clean and healthy place to live. It’s easy, it saves disposal costs on your fees, it saves energy and it’s good for the environment.

There are also many different types of recycling. Plastic and paper are not recycled as much as they are “recycled”, which means that every time they are recycled they become a lower quality product. After two or three cycles, the size of the fibers is reduced and they are unusable. Plastics are everywhere, but did you notice that they make up as much as 13.8 pounds in an average computer?

Hazardous and non-toxic solid and fluid waste is generated in our homes, offices, schools, hospitals and industries. No society is immune from the everyday problems associated with waste disposal. Solid waste is made up of a wide range of materials discarded by households, businesses, industries and agriculture, and the scale is enormous. The United States generates more than 11 billion tons (10 billion metric tons) of solid waste each year.

Recycled products are often priced close to or equal to products made from virgin materials. Making new products from reclaimed materials saves resources, energy and water, while reducing air pollution and disposal costs. Please recycle what you can, NJ citizens, donate working computers and cell phones to organizations that can use them, instead of throwing them away.

Buying refurbished products would also be easy on your wallet and the environment. Recycling points are now located in every town and city in NJ, as well as at public agencies and offices. TV and print advertisements and campaigns have also had a positive effect, making it easier to meet our target requirements.

Ultimately, primary business waste disposal in NJ is the responsibility of the business owner. The local authority can provide sites that businesses can use (for a fee) to dispose of their waste. Removal fees vary with each facility and some facilities may pick up loads and provide drop boxes.

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