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Weight loss is a pain in the ass!

From what I’ve learned, there’s a lot to “weight loss.” First it’s 80% diet and 20% exercise, which I thought was full of rubbish from the start because I figure if you keep your body moving constantly you won’t have to worry about the food you’re eating. WRONG! I’m a foodie so I figured my exercise plan could get away with it. NOT!

Nutrition consists of three main things: protein, carbohydrates, and fat help build muscle, tone the body, and give energy. If you are eating fried and sugary foods (which mostly contain fat and who cares what kind of fat). For your diet, or ahem your “lifestyle change”, you need roughly 60% carbs, 20% protein, and 20% protein, which may or may not be exact, but close. So eating junk and exercising won’t help you lose weight. So what I did was switch to a clean, healthy diet AND stop drinking soda. Which was the most difficult of all. Check the previous article written by me 🙂

Oh and it gets better kids!!! I thought I should be losing pounds by now, and not exactly… look I changed my eating, quit soda and was still working out… now before I quit soda and change my eating habits, I still haven’t lost nothing. , but when I did I lost weight because I stopped drinking the soda. But not from exercising.

Here’s the deal! You have to PUSH HARD when you work out! My problem is that I have been taking breaks as soon as I get tired. Oh no no You need to, in addition to everything else mentioned above, you need to make sure your heart rate is in a certain range and only take a 30 second to possibly a minute break to keep your heart rate up and burn off the pounds. Therefore, I recommend investing in a heart rate monitor if you really want to lose weight. You can also find out what your heart rate is supposed to be while you exercise. Just google “target heart rate for exercise”.

I’ve lost about 5 pounds, but I’m still missing something. Have I considered the fad weight loss products out there? Hell yes, especially since he wasn’t having any luck doing what he thought he was doing correctly. But I decided not to do it because I want to do it the right way.

By changing my diet and exercising, I’ve learned to love many new things like eating clean, running (I’m not that much of a runner, and now I LOVE running), and drinking all kinds of healthy drinks. I try to stay away from sugary drinks, but I love Propel and some juices and am always looking for a new healthy drink to try. I also love the training equipment and the different workouts. Right now I’m doing Turbo Fire, Pilates, I have a Yoga mat (and I do Yoga too). I also have toning shoes and running shoes so I can constantly be losing weight and building muscle.

So my friends, is this how you lose weight and still be a pain in the ass? A little.

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