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What you need to know to start your own karaoke business

Maybe you started out singing in the shower, then found yourself belting out songs on the radio, then found yourself belting out some tunes at the local bar. It doesn’t matter which really, any of these shows you like music. Most likely, you have entered the world of Karaoke.

You really enjoy going to karaoke clubs and parties. The first thing you do when your friends come over is take out the karaoke machine. If this sounds like you, then maybe you should consider karaoke as a business. It can be a very lucrative business if you have a professional business point of view about it. That doesn’t mean you can’t have fun doing it. It just means that there is a serious side to any business and this business is no different.

The first thing to determine is whether you have the capital to get started. You are very aware of everything you are going to need, but can you afford it? The average cost to get everything you need, including decent equipment, is around $5,000.

Once you’ve mastered finances, you need to plan your ad campaign. Every new business has to make itself known to be successful. Start by printing some business cards and maybe some flyers. You may want to post a few ads in the local newspapers. You don’t have to have a huge advertising budget, but you do need to plan on spending some money. If you have a computer, you will find it very useful for making some of your promotional materials. Design a karaoke logo yourself and be sure to use it on anything that pertains to your business. Your business cards, flyers, brochures, even the applications at your shows. The more people who see your name and logo, the more business you can get.

Now is the time to hit the streets and start going to any club that has an entertainment venue. For starters, you might offer a karaoke introductory price because you’re new to the business. For the most part, entertainment clubs and bars are pretty good at honoring any deal they make with you.

You will need to be a little more careful when it comes to karaoke events at weddings and individual events. The reason is that they can be easily cancelled. You also want to be very clear on the details. Write a simple contract for these events. Of course you want the personal details of the person responsible for contracting your services, get two phone numbers for contact if necessary. Make sure you have all the details as to the start and end date, place, and time. Determine what you want as a deposit, and ideally one that is non-refundable. After all, if they cancel that means you’ve lost a whole night’s work. Once all the details have been agreed, both you and the client must sign it and leave a copy with the client. This way there are no misunderstandings. Make sure the client confirms all the information in the contract.

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