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When should I do better? A troll experience

Have you ever heard of the famous quote? “Do your best until you know better … Then when you know better, do better.”

You may or may not have guessed that this quote was made by Dr. Maya Angelou. I found this quote sounded strong, clear, and true to life. I do my best to stay professional and politically correct, but with the rapid changes in social media and technology on communication and information platforms, many of us are in a time of temptation that is hard to resist. I found myself responding to the trolls that they had nothing to lose and in their selfish mind, everything to gain. I don’t give a damn, other than searching and destroying.

I learned and must recover from being known as strictly professional to having to “control” a troll who criticized my professionalism because I responded to him (says he got angry because I replied back to her) She didn’t know me but had an ulterior motive to seek and destroy reputations and whatever else lied in her way. Saying one thing in response or, in many cases, defending honor could quickly turn south. Which is exactly what the trolls want to happen. My professionalism was criticized while my book was not, later edited for criticism. The other “professional” and their trolls lied, threatened, insulted, used sex figurines in their posts and comments, spoke negatively about hatred of gender and sexuality (not mine, but that’s what trolls do), race and anything else about the one they wanted to rant. The trolls stick together and try to dox; a considered term for the actions and behaviors of a despised internet troll.

How can this affect your professional reputation? How does this affect your ability to apply for positions in the future? It may or may not. Trolls believe they are untouchable as they try to damage your chances of succeeding at anything. That said, they don’t care what they destroy as long as the attempt is made.

Here’s what I’ve learned: trolls aren’t worth it, even if they’re making things up and have the grave intention of taking you down. They are also very smart when it comes to writing their next consensus actions in posts and comments. Protect yourself online and stay professional. Remember that bad sounding trolls hide their identity and will use anonymous accounts and avatars to stay alive on social media platforms. They have nothing to lose and that is why they attack so brutally. They have learned to protect their assets when entering. So, to say the least, once you have learned from the experience and warning of others; the consequences, then you will know better. And when you know better, you do better.

Protect your online presence; your character and professional and personal assets, as well as, focus on keeping it clean as much as you can. I have learned this and come back stronger and wiser. A friend who helped run his family’s business for the past 20 years or more, and who was also a client of my resume services because he wanted to venture out on his own, told me: “Lenora, it’s just one person. What do you care? I can’t believe you let one person and a gang of trolls, out of billions of people, alter your main objective.” This little advice came from an experienced businessman.

After getting to know him better, I have already learned how to do better for myself, my family, and my ultimate goals. You also should. Think about how to know better, but doing otherwise can affect your job search goals.

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