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Why are the boys moving so fast? Some real reasons behind why some men just move on too fast

We have seen it happen all around us. From celebrities to the guy you’ve been dating, they all seem to have one thing in common. They all manage to move along pretty quickly as we sit down crying and crying for them. Here are some of the reasons why guys seem to be moving fast.

social conditioning
One can very conveniently blame the social conditioning we all receive as we grow up. Just as most women believe that shedding tears when they leave you is quite an acceptable thing to do, you can’t expect a man to do the same. He has his macho image to protect.

A man also has to “appear” to be in control and okay at all times. It is again his conditioning and ego that makes him want to have a controlled and calm exterior. But since most people want to see through it, he starts to come out and show that he’s moving on.

survival mechanism
Both genders have their own set of coping mechanisms. While the women sit at home and cry, the men go out and get drunk. In all this it seems that the guy is already moving while the woman suffers in silence.

Focus on the “hard” image
A man has to protect his tough image with religious fervor. It’s an integral part of his being that he can’t allow it to tarnish. To maintain the tough image of him, a man portrays that he keeps going even though he may be hurting a lot inside.

Men are afraid that people will see their vulnerability. While they want some emotional time off, they are also afraid that if they do, their vulnerable side will be exposed and everyone will see their insecurities and fears.

emotional immaturity
Emotional immaturity also plays a role in fast-moving guys. Many men are guided by their primal instincts where they feel they have to mate as many times as possible for their existence to be proven. These emotionally unstable men can’t be in relationships for very long and they also move on very quickly as they are never really tied down to someone for real.

The pressure to prove
Many men also move very fast because they want to demonstrate their desirable status to those close to them. By replacing an ex too quickly, they’re just trying to show that his connection to his ex was easily replaceable and he doesn’t need time to grieve.

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