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5 Things You Should Do If You’re Injured in a Car Accident

Injured in a Car Accident

Car accidents can be devastating and life-altering for any driver. They can result in physical injuries that are disabling, medical bills, lost wages and long-term financial hardships. But many victims of accidents do not realize that what they do and say following an accident can have a significant impact on whether or not they are awarded fair compensation for their harms and losses.

Injuries can be hard to detect, and it can take hours or even days to feel the full effects of a crash. It’s especially important to get help if you think that you may have a permanent disability or an accident injury that requires ongoing treatment, such as spinal cord damage.

If you have witnesses at the scene, it’s crucial to obtain their contact information and ask them to wait for law enforcement to arrive. In addition, getting the names and phone numbers of other drivers involved in the accident can be helpful to determining fault as well.

5 Things You Should Do If You’re Injured in a Car Accident

After you’ve gotten help, it’s crucial to report the accident to your insurance company and the other party’s insurance company. This helps ensure that you’re not misled by the other driver’s insurance representative, and allows you to convey what happened objectively and clearly.

It’s not uncommon for drivers to get tense after an accident, and they may be tempted to speak to the other driver before the police arrive on scene. This can cause them to make statements that aren’t accurate or even entirely true. Similarly, they might be tempted to apologize for a driving mistake or to accept immediate compensation from the other driver. This can have a negative impact on your ability to file a claim for liability against the other driver.

It is essential that you have all of the necessary tests completed by your medical providers as soon as possible after an accident. Injuries often don’t show up fully for hours or days after an accident, so you need to be sure that you have x-rays, MRIs, CT scans and other forms of testing to prove they were caused by the accident.

One of the most common mistakes that injured people make after an accident is to ignore or delay seeking medical attention. This can cause the insurance company to argue that your injuries weren’t related to the accident, or that you haven’t been suffering from them long enough to be able to seek compensation.

This can lead to serious consequences if you decide to pursue an injury claim later on. In addition to denying you the compensation that you deserve, the insurance company might also try to claim that you weren’t suffering from your injuries at the time of the accident and that they were only worsened by your failure to follow up with your medical providers.

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